Chapter 12

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A loud buzzing on the desk woke the two up in the morning.

"Your phone." Camila mumbled. Lauren groaned and gripped Camila's waist tighter.

"Leave it." Lauren mumbled back. The phone buzzed again wildly and Camila groaned, turning over to take a look at it.

Lauren lifted her arm for a moment before clutching Camila's body against hers again.

Camila reached out and grabbed the phone to see a bright 'Side Chick #5' as the person calling.

"Lauren, who the fuck is side chick number 5?" Camila asked, sitting up.

"Erm, what?" Lauren said, trying to grab the phone.

"I'm answering it, you asshole." Camila stated as she accepted the call.

"Stop it, it's my... mom! Hand me the phone," Lauren exclaimed, still trying to grab the phone.

"Hello?" Camila asked into the phone reaching out as far as she could so Lauren couldn't get the phone.

"Hi... is Lauren there? Tell her it's Dory." The girl cooed which made Camila's blood boil.

"Oh, Dory like... the fish? Yeah... flush your way out. Lauren doesn't want to talk." Camila replied.

"Oh, well, it's fine because I wasn't planning for us to talk at all. I was expecting a little less talking and more touching, so that's fine." The girl said in a possessive tone.

"Look, side chick number five, I don't know who you think you are, but, Lauren's taken.... and occupied right now." Camila retorted. Dory was not backing down.

"Oh really? Already? Well, just to give you some information, she was occupied with me a couple days ago." Dory said in such a smug tone, it made Camila want to punch her through the phone.

"You were what?" Camila asked abruptly, sitting straight up.

"Hand me the phone, Camz." Lauren sternly said- lowkey worried with what side chick number five was saying.

"You- shut up." Camila pointed at Lauren sternly.

Lauren sighed and groaned, putting her palms up to her forehead.

"She was with me. So honestly, stop calling me side chick number five. Cause you're most likely a side chick too. Anyway, see ya, tell Lauren to sext- oops, I mean text me. We have unfinished business." Dory said in a teasing tone before hanging up.

Camila threw the phone at Lauren lightly and got out of the bed, "here's your damn phone."

"Camila, where are you going?" Lauren asked, getting up as well to follow Camila.


"Wait, no, what happened on the phone?!" Lauren asked, grabbing Camila's arm.

"Dory happened. You asshole." Camila spat out and tugged her arm away from Lauren.

Lauren kept a firm grip on it and took a step forward, closer to Camila.

"Stop running away from me." Lauren whispered, letting go of her arm, to grab on her waist.

"Stop giving me reasons to run." Camila whispered back.

"Camz, tell me what happened on the phone." Lauren softly said, playing with the hem of Camila's shirt.

"Lauren... be honest with me. Have you been with any of your old hookups recently?"

"Why is that impo-"

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