Chapter 9

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Camila was the first to wake up. She felt a heavy weight around her waist and saw that it was Lauren's arm.

Camila rubbed her eyes and checked her phone, seeing that it was already ten.

"Shit," Camila murmured to herself. She was supposed to be at work in a couple minutes. Camila got up and sat on the bed then instantly felt Lauren cuddle up to her even more.

Lauren strengthened her hold on Camila's waist, not wanting to let go.

"Idiot." Camila muttered, nudging Lauren. Lauren huffed and clung onto Camila even tighter.

Camila tried to take Lauren's hand off but Lauren didn't budge.

"Idiot, I'm late for work." Camila sighed. Camila saw some of the blinds open and looked out to see a small drizzle outside. She really needed to get to work before it started pouring.

"Let me drive you there," Lauren said, grabbing Camila's hand, her cheek pressed up against Camila's lower back.

"Deal. I have to get ready first." Camila laughed and Lauren sighed again, releasing Camila from her hold.

Camila went and took a shower real quick, and freshened up, then put on the clothes she had the day before. There was always several extras of Target shirts and pants so she could just change when she got to work.

After Camila got done, she exited the bathroom to see Lauren still sprawled out on the bed, sleeping peacefully but this time with a stuffed Nala cuddled up in her arms.

Camila smiled and grabbed her phone, taking a picture of the green-eyed girl real quick.

She set her phone in her pocket and put the clothes that she used last night- that was now folded up- on top of the dresser.

Camila sat down on the bed and leaned down real quick, giving Lauren a quick kiss on the cheek.

"I'll see you later, idiot." Camila whispered then felt a hand clasp her wrist.

"Let me drive you, baby girl." Lauren murmured tiredly.

"Get some sleep, sleepyhead. I can drive myself, I did drive here." Camila softly said, then watched as the girl cracked an eye open. Lauren smiled sweetly at the girl and lifted her head up to place it on Camila's lap.

"I have to go, okay? I'm running late." Camila said smiling down at Lauren.

"Okay. I'll see you later. Is Shrek working today?" Lauren asked in such a raspy voice.

"Yes," Camila rolled her eyes, chuckling.

"I'll definitely see you soon. Text me when you get there." Lauren assured. Camila simply giggled and gave her one last kiss on the cheek.


"So, did boss man give you a talking?" Dinah asked Camila who was currently helping her stock the shelves.

"Well, he started talking my ear off until he asked why I was late. I said the name 'Lauren Jauregui' and he instantly nodded his head and let me out." Camila shrugged.

"Man, are you serious? He threatened to degrade me to cleaning the bathrooms again if I was late. That fucker." Dinah growled, almost throwing the box of pop tarts on the shelf harshly.

"Woah there, girlfriend. Calm yourself," Camila said, going over to Dinah to straighten up the box.

"Speaking of girlfriend, did Jauregui like bowling with us?" Dinah asked, a couple seconds later.

"She did, I think. Bowling was fun, I saw you and Ally get along really well with Lauren and Normani."

"Normani's fucking hilarious and amazing. I got her number- or she got mine anyway." Dinah grinned.

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