Chapter 5 New home

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As they headed back, it took one last glance at once was called home . They all climbed into the vehicles and drove off. But once through the shield, there was nothing to look back upon. Rayleta turned around in the truck. She got a glance of Sand. He looked completely different. There was a mirror she had brought to see what she really looked like; after all these years. She looked different. Almost like a fox. There were ears and even a fox like tail curled up beside her. Even her eye color had even changed one was a teal and the other one was a forest green. Her hair was in ringlets, the color of red and the length was short.

Rayleta put the mirror down on her lap and looked at Sand ; who smiled at her. She focused on what they were driving through. By looking out of the passenger side window. It took then a long while before they got to their final destination. Rayleta fell asleep to pass the time, on the way. They arrived at a modern home with vines all up the sides. Covering it completely almost. It sat on top of a hill surrounded by a forest, There was a view of the beach shores and crystal clear blue waters. There was even a porch swing.

As soon as everyone pulled up Rayleta got out of the truck. She was highly amused as she walked up to the house. She noticed a pathway behind the house that lead to a gazebo and partially into the forest. Then she explored the inside along with everyone else. Lux and Rain had taken off the coverings of the furniture and aired out the place. This place looked as if it were abandoned. Rayleta explored the rooms and stumbled upon a small hallway which had a door at the end of it.

She opened the door which had staircase leading up to the upstairs. Rayleta walked upstairs and found a decent size upstairs room, with a bed. No bedding of course and very little furniture but a desk and a bookcase. Another door lead to upstairs bathroom attached to it. She opened the windows which was to air out the room. It was quite dusty upstairs. There were doors that even lead to a balcony.

Rayleta looked down to where Sand was lifting heavy boxes just like everyone else. He wiped the sweat off his forehead. She stood there admiring him, till Sand looked up and noticed her staring at him. Both of them smiled.

Sand suddenly asked," Find a room you want, you also getting hungry?"

" Yes I have its breathtaking view of the ocean up here, I am a little hungry." She explained.

Sand replied," well come down and eat as a break, we will finish everything once we are done eating."

Rayleta rushed down stairs and planted next to Rain and Sand on the bed of the truck. Lux was sitting in the truck with Kitsune and the new baby Leo. Kitsune was feeding him and admiring Leo. Lux adored the both of them. He didn't know why he had an odd feeling all the sudden about the two of them.But he chose to ignore it for now.

Rain smiled and said," So we finally come back to this place , it's been a long time since we have truly been back here. Father never came here anymore, hint why it's so empty we should be safe for the journey ahead."

" Yes hopefully we will I hope he doesn't come after us. You know how father is Rain." replied Lux as he came to grab a sandwich for Kitsune. Then Lux went back to her before the three of them chatted anymore.

Rain mumbled," Yeah well his lover is still suspicious, she seems to be hiding something."

Sand gave Rayleta part of his lunch as she said," You get that vibe as well I see , It can't be a good thing then."

Rain shook her head ," No it's not ... Well anyway we should finish up and get back to getting the house aired out." She said to change the topic quickly.

Rayleta took a couple boxes in while Rain finished opening the sliding paper doors. She even unpacked some things from the boxes that were brought in. The guys moved the heavy furniture. Kitsune kept a watchful eye on leo swinging on the porch swing. A couple hours had gone by the time they were done with truck; at least.

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