Chapter 6

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     Chapter 6 The Unseen Notice

The morning had approached where Kitsune was found in the backyard with Leo, who happened to be waddling and rolling on the blanket. Just like babies happened to do. When Leo rolled onto his stomach his eyes focused on forest direction. The bushes were guarding him from crawling over there. But Kitsune looked over to where Leo was looking.

There was a sudden buzzing sound coming from the bushes. The bushes began to rustle. Kitsune quickly picked up Leo and the log that happened to be nearby. Just in case it was something about to attack her.The wind gently blowing , when a the sudden buzzing sound came again.The buzzing wasn't normal either. Kitsune hit the bush carefully and a bunny hopped towards then.

Kitsune though it was an ordinary bunny , till she noticed sparkes causing its foot to glitch, as if it was a mechanical leg.Even the collar that it was wearing started buzzing once more. The leg was attached wrong. As it hopped towards her , she continued to back away. Next thing she knew was an arrow struck the head of it. It caused her to panic and scream as the next one one scraped across her face , making the bunny land on it's side.

Lux came out and rushed to her side. He noticed that she was looking towards the bunny , which wasn't moving. He examined the rest of her and Leo. Then proceeded to take the both of them before he did what's next. Then grabbed a bag to take care of the bunny. There he proceeded to take it to his lounge in the cellar.

Lux opened the bag and placed the rabbit on the table. Then continued to take the arrow out. It was rock solid ice that had touched it. So he put it in a glass case for protection. Possibly knowing whose it was or where it came from. He noticed the rabbit had metal inside, but the hole was starting to closing up by it self. Since the arrow had been removed. Lux had a feeling that this creature had been watching then. But he had a feeling of who it belonged to . The arrows as well belong to someone of a familiar formalities. Lux pu the body in a protective container, just as he jotted down notes on the observations.

Lux suddenly heard piano music , so he locked up and headed upstairs to find Rayleta playing. She had her eyes closed as she moved to the beat. Lux knew about her episode just by everyone's behaviour. Lux sat down to listen, it was relaxing for the both of them He enjoyed hearing her play. Rayleta almost looked like she could be his sister, more like his mother. He remembered his mother teaching her how to play. Rayleta still hadn't played much in a 11 years ; due to his mother.

Lux's father refused to hear the sound to anything musical. Because it was a painful experience remainder of his mother. But since his father was after Rayleta . In the human world they would play in secret. Sometimes he would let the girls sing just to keep the memory alive.Rayleta suddenly missed a key. So Lux stood up and joined her to help finish what she was playing.

Rayleta smiled and got up leaving the room. Once she left the room he waited for her to come back. NOt long after that she came back in a different outfit, a bikini after all. She put her flip flops on and waved goodbye to him as she left. Lux waved back as he watched her leave. Lux watched her till she was no longer in sight. Lux proceeded to go back downstairs, he was a bit worries that his father is involved. They haven't been in the house for every long; only two weeks. He had a feeling that more was heading there way, just by the scent in the air.

Sand happened to be lifting weights , when he arrived in the cellar basement. Sand stopped once he noticed Lux pointing at the rabbit container. Sand got up and looked over the bunny was completely normal, nothing wrong with it.

Sand looke dup and asked," Is that what I think it is?"

Lux quickly replied ," Yeah thats what I caught earlier, there was a certain someone's arrow in there attached to it. " He then pointed at the arrow that was displayed.

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