Chapter 1

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“Ben I can’t believe you showed up now with the tile!  Couldn’t you have waited five minutes so I could have been in the shower?!” Belle calls to her brother as she struggles to carry the heavy tiles from the car to the house. 

“No, I couldn’t,” he says taking the tile from her and walking it to his dad who is waiting at the door of the house. 

“I’m going to be late!” she exclaims panicking slightly as she picks up another stack.

“No you’re not,” her brother calls, “Niall’s flight doesn’t land for another two hours.  You have plenty of time.”  Ben turns around to see Niall getting out of a taxi behind Belle.  Ben, panicking, tries to signal Niall to wait until Belle’s hands are free before sneaking up behind her.

“Two hours!  That is so not enough time!  That only means I have an hour and fifteen minutes to get ready!  Do you have any idea how long it takes me to go from this,” she says nodding her head for him to look at her sweaty, grungy, post run self, “to beautiful?”  Ben runs up to her to take the tiles from her before Niall sneaks up from behind her and makes her drop them.  Niall is waiting semi patiently for Ben to take the tiles not wanting Belle to drop them and break them.  Seeing Ben’s arms under the stack of tiles Niall swoops in and wraps his arms around Belle’s waist and whispers, “You always look beautiful babe,” in her ear.  Belle squeals in excitement and surprise, dropping the tiles on Ben’s arms making him grunt as their full weight slams onto his arms, and spins around in his arms so she can throw her arms around his neck and squeeze him tight.  It has been over a month since they’ve seen each other in person because Niall had to finish up his tour and then go home to see his family.

“What are you doing here?  I thought your flight didn’t get in until three!” she exclaims suddenly panicking that she had the time wrong. 

“I got an earlier flight and thought I would surprise you.  I can leave and come back in two hours if you’d like,” he says pulling back from her.

“No!” she says pulling him back even though she knows that he is joking.  He chuckles and hugs her tightly enjoying being able to hold her in his arms again. 

“Thanks for waiting till I had the tiles,” Ben says slightly sarcastically to Niall after passing off the tiles to his dad who was grinning at Belle and Niall from the door way.

“Sorry about that,” says Niall sheepishly. 

“Don’t be, he deserved it,” Belle says sticking her tong out at her brother. 

“Ben, less complaining more working,” calls Dave as he comes out of the house, “Hey Niall glad you made it.”

“Hi Dave, thanks!”

“Come on I’ll give you the grand tour,” says Belle taking his hand and leading him towards the door, “Be careful Ban and Dad have ripped out the floors in the kitchen and entry way and haven’t found all the nails yet.  I don’t suggest walking through here barefoot.” 

“Duly noted,” he says following her inside.  She leads him down the hall off of the entryway to the guest bedroom where he can drop off his bags before showing him around the rest of the house.  After setting his bags down Niall wraps his arms around Belle’s waist and pulls her close kissing her.  When they finally break away, both smiling, he says, “I’ve been waiting a month to do that.”

“And I’ve been waiting a month for you to do that,” Belle grins getting lost in his blue eyes. 

“You suck at giving tours little sis,” Ben says from the door way.  Niall drops his arms and steps back away from Belle his face bright red wondering how long Ben has been standing there.  Bell turns ready to kill. 

I'll See You Soon: Part Two (A Niall Horan Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now