Chapter 2

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This is going to be a really long chapter and I hope you like it.  All but one and a half of my midterms got pushed back until next week so my weekend is going to be spent hurting my brain.  Hope you guys have a much better weekend than I am going to have!

The next morning Niall wakes up at four in the morning due to jet lag.  After tossing and turning for a little while he pulls out his computer and opens up twitter to see what his friends and family have been up to.  After getting caught up on what’s been happening and then tweeting a complaint about jetlag he closes his computer and gets out of bed making his way to Belle’s room.

“Belle,” Niall says in a sing song whisper.  She doesn’t react so he says her name a little louder.  She stirs a little but keeps sleeping. 

“Belle,” he says poking her cheek.  She swats lazily in his general direction letting out a moan of annoyance.  Smiling, he pokes her again.

“What?” she asks groggily not opening her eyes.

“You should wake up.”

“Is the house on fire?” she mumbles.  Niall bites back a comment about how he wouldn’t he waking her up so nicely of the house was on fire.

“No,” he says unable to stop his laughter.

“Then go away,” she says rolling over.  Niall chuckles and lays down next to her.

“Get out, get out, get out of your bed,

And make some breakfast instead.

I don’t, I don’t, don’t know why you sleep

When I need some food,

And you’ve got the food,” He sings in her ear to the tune of “One Thing.”  Belle smiles sleepily with her eyes closed and laughs slightly before she turns her head a little and opens her eyes half way somewhat glaring at him.

“Cereal is in the cupboard and milk in the fridge, go nock yourself out,” she grumbles before a yawn takes over.  Niall pouts at her but she just pulls the sheet up further, snuggling deeper into her pillow.  Her breathing slows showing she is falling back to sleep.  Niall can’t help but grin then kisses her cheek softly before getting up and making his way to the kitchen.  He grabs a box of cereal and the milk along with two spoons and two bowls then goes back to Belle’s room.  He pours his first bowl of cereal and nosily munches on it sitting on Belle’s bed next to her just to annoy her.  She sighs and takes one of her extra pillows and places it over her head to block out the sound of his munching.  Niall smirks and continues to eat clanking his spoon against the bowl as much as possible since he knows the pillow can’t block that sound out.  As he eats his first and second bowl waiting for Belle to be to annoyed to sleep any longer he looks at all the pictures she has put up on her walls pleased to see that she has several pictures of the two of them up from the photo shoot they had done with her friends last month which could kinda count as their first date, or what lead to their first date.  Niall doesn’t think the restaurant they went to after the photo shoot counts because she slipped the money for her dinner into his pocket when he wasn’t paying attention.  Ever since those three days they had spent together while Niall and the boys were in town for their concert they had been Skyping, texting, emailing, and talking on the phone as much as possible over the past month getting to know each other and Niall was finally understanding how Liam and Louis feel all the time when they go on tour and can’t be with their girlfriends. 

As Niall poured his third bowl of cereal Belle rolled on her back, the pillow still covering her face, and let out a frustrated growl.  Niall smiled to himself knowing he had won.  Belle pulls the pillow off her face and glares at him.

I'll See You Soon: Part Two (A Niall Horan Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now