Chapter 5

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“What the hell is this?” she asks angrily, shoving the letter in her dad’s face.  One look at her expression and he knows exactly what letter she is talking about. 

“Where did you find this?” he asks avoiding her question.

“Don’t avoid the question,” she says crossing her arms. 

“You weren’t supposed to ever find out,” Dave finally says.

“I have every right to know this!  That bastard killed her!  It’s bad enough they only gave him five years; now they’re letting him out early and you’re lying to me about it?!” she yells.  No one speaks.

“He’s not going to hurt us ever again,” Dave says stepping forward to put a comforting hand on her shoulder.

“The hell he won’t!” she says slapping his hand away and stepping back, “He shouldn’t even be allowed the opportunity. I can’t believe you would keep something like this from me!”  Belle then turns and sprints out the door heading towards her secret spot.

“What’s going on?” Niall asks breaking the silence after Belle had left.  Dave sighs and sits down rubbing his face suddenly looking tired.

“Rick is being let out of jail early.”

“He’s the one who… caused the accident?” Zayn asks hesitantly and Dave nods his head gravely.  No one speaks, they all just try to take in this information. 


“Should we go look for her?” Niall asks Dave around midnight and Belle still hasn’t come back.

“No, when she’s ready she’ll come home.  She needs time to think and be alone.  I should have told her!”

“You did what you thought was best.”

“Was it for the best though?  All I’ve ever wanted to do was protect her and make her happy, but I’ve failed so many times!”

“It’s not your fault Dave.”

“I know, sometimes it feels like it is though.”

“What do we do now?” Niall asks after a moment of silence.

“We wait.”

“I’ve never been good at that.”

“Neither have I.”  Belle didn’t come home that night or the next day.  Everyone was worried especially when they learned that she had left her phone at the house.  By the afternoon Niall was a little frantic and decided to go out looking for her.  The guys didn’t say anything but just got in the car with him.  Danielle and Eleanor decided to stay at the house incase Belle called or came home.  Niall didn’t really know where to look for Belle so he just started going to all the places he and Belle had ever gone to.  They were at Jess’ house asking her parents if they had seen Belle, when Niall got a call from an unknown number.

“Hello,” he says hoping with all his heart that it is Belle.

“Niall can you come get me?” asks Belle sounding tired.  Niall breathes a sigh of relief hearing Belle’s voice. 

“Of course, where are you?” 

“Can you meet me at Creek Side?”

“I’ll be right there Belle.  I love you!”

“Thanks Niall, I love you too.”  Belle hangs up and Liam calls Danielle to come pick him, Harry, Zayn and Louis up so that Niall and Belle can have some alone time.  Niall speeds his way over to the abandoned elementary school and runs to the nature area in the back where he and Belle had first gotten to know each other.  He finds Belle sitting by the creak throwing little pebbles into the water.  He sits down next to her and puts his arms around her.  They sit in silence for a while looking at the water.  Belle finally turns to look at him with eyes that are red and puffy from crying till there were no more tears and asks the one word question that sums up everything she has been thinking since she found the letter, “Why?”

I'll See You Soon: Part Two (A Niall Horan Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now