Chapter 6

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Niall woke up in the middle of the night with a grunt when Belle’s hand smacked him in the face.  Dave was gone on a business trip for a couple of days so Niall was sleeping with Belle in his room which was more comfortable than the couch that Niall had been sleeping on for the past two and a half weeks.  Harry and Louis were disappointed that Niall and Belle weren’t doing anything but snoring together.  Niall gently picked up Belle’s hand and placed it on her side; he was learning that she was a restless and violent sleeper.  He’d wake up several times in the night after getting hit or kicked by Belle, one time she even kicked him off the bed.  She also talked in her sleep which Niall found very entertaining because she said the most random things. 

“Stop!” she giggles as Niall watches her waiting for sleep to take over, “Niall stop tickling me!”  She’s grinning and wriggling around as if he really was tickling her.  Niall can’t help but grin at her happy that she’s dreaming about him.  Belle stops moving and her grin fades into a frown her brow wrinkling.

“Bitch please!  He’s my sexy beast!  Get your hands off my little leprechaun!” she mumbles and Niall tries not laugh out loud.  He assumed that was directed to a fan in her dream, but he couldn’t believe that she just called him a sexy beast. 

“Deven,” Belle says seriously, “I have to tell you something, it’s about you and Harry.”  Niall couldn’t wait to hear this, “Dev, you and Harry can’t have any kids together.   Their hair would be out of control.”  Niall is shaking with laughter and his face is turning a little purple from trying to keep his laughter in, but he has to agree with Belle.  Combining Deven’s mass of tight ringlets and Harry’s curly hair on one child would be a disaster. Belle’s face relaxes and Niall knows she is done talking for a while.  She snuggles up to him and he wraps his arms around her.  He is about to fall asleep when she suddenly jerks herself out of his arms.  He can see fear and anger in her expression; he waits for Belle to say something so he can know what she is dreaming about.      

“No!  Don’t touch him!  Get away from him Rick!”  Niall holds his breath.  She’d been having a lot of night mares about Rick lately.  The anger fades from Belle’s expression and she whisper, “Please Rick, I’ll do anything.  Just don’t hurt Niall.” Niall goes to wake her from her dream before it scares her to much but he notices her expression relaxing showing the dream is over. 

“No Louis,” she mumbles cuddling up against Niall again, “I don’t want to eat your foot or any other body part.”  She pauses as if listening to Louis’ response, “Ewwwww!  Especially not that!”  Niall tries to control his laughter once again, imagining what perverted thing Louis could have said to her in her dream.  Belle settles down allowing Niall to get back to sleep. 

When Niall wakes up the next morning he can hear Belle in the shower.  The first thing that comes to mind when he thinks about what he heard Belle say in her sleep is the dream about Rick.  It had been four days since she had passed out down town and Niall was beginning to wonder if Belle did remember why she had passed out.  She’d been acting strange ever since, jumping at the littlest of sounds and always looking over her shoulder.  Niall was afraid that it had something to do with Rick; which is why he’d been haunting her dreams more and more making threats.

While she showered Belle worried about Niall.  She knew she was a violent sleeper and she’d seen the bruises on his shins.  Did she really kick him that hard in her sleep?  He’d deny it when she asked and then proceed to laugh at funny things she had said in her sleep.  That was another thing that worried her.  If she talked in her sleep would Rick find out?  What if she said something that put Niall in danger?  She had no control over what she said in her sleep which is why Niall heard a lot of stupid stuff come out of her mouth while she slept.  Rick hadn’t done anything else to carry out his threat but Belle knew her nerves were nearing their breaking point from all the strain they were under worrying about the others and if Rick would hurt them.  Part of Belle was glad that Louis, Eleanor, Harry, Liam, Danielle, and Zayn were going home in a few days.  Not because she didn’t want them here, but so they would be out of harm’s way.  Then she would only have to worry about her Dad and Niall getting hurt because of her.     

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