Chapter 7

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Hey guys so sorry for the long wait for this chapter.  Life kinda happend in a big fat dose of lets see how much Laurie can handel! I'm handling it all fine if you're wondering, but thats not why you're here lol.  THE LAST CHAPTER!!!!!! ENJOY IT CUZ YOU DESERVE IT MY LOVES FOR STICKING WITH ME THIS LONG!!!!!!! I LOVE YOOU ALL SO VERY MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

“Hey guys!” Niall says coming into the house carrying his grocery bags half an hour later.

“Finally!” Harry says running to grab the food from Niall. 

“Chips and candy, really Niall?” says Liam looking through the bags.

“Hey I got a bag of apples!” says Niall throwing one to Liam who catches it. 

“I knew it was a bad idea to send you alone,” Liam mumbles.

“Where’s Belle?”

“She went to her Dad’s room when you called, haven’t seen her since,” says Danielle.

“I didn’t call Belle,” says Niall confused.

“Yeah you did,” says Louis with a hand full of chips in his mouth.  Dread fill the pit of his stomach as he heads towards Dave’s room. 

“Belle,” he says knocking.  There is no response so he tries the door handle.  It twists and he opens the door.  He looks around and doesn’t see her; all he sees are the curtains fluttering in the wind coming through the open window. 

“Guys!” Niall yells.  Everyone comes running upon hearing his strained and worried tone.

“What is it?” asks Liam worried as he runs into the room ahead of everyone.

“Belle is gone,” says Niall with wide worried eyes.

“That’s impossible!  Where could she have gone?” everyone exclaims as Louis looks under the bed, Zayn looks in the bathroom and Harry looks in the closet.  Niall sits on the bed with his head in his hands as a horrible thought enters his head.

“Guys, what if… what if Rick…” Niall trails off his eyes starting to fill with water as he looks at his friends. 

“That’s impossible!” says Zayn trying to sound certain. 

“You said I called Belle when I was at the store right?” everyone nods their head, “I didn’t call her, but I did lose my phone and found it in a part of the store where I don’t remember going to.”

“This isn’t good,” says Louis serious for once.

“If he called from your phone, he could have used you as bait and she wouldn’t have known any different,” says Zayn voicing everyone’s thoughts. 

“We have to find her,” says a determined Eleanor. 

“No,” says Liam and Louis at the same time, “You two are not coming with us.”

“The hell we are!” yells Danielle.

“We are coming!  We love Belle just as much as any of you and if Rick is hurting her then we want to help!” says Eleanor annoyed at the guys for not letting them come. 

“We don’t have time for this!” yells Niall anger taking over him, “We have to find Belle!”

“Niall is right,” says Zayn and Harry. 

“Where do we begin?” asks Liam.

“I have no idea,” Niall says dejectedly.  Just then his phone rings showing Belle’s face on the screen.  

I'll See You Soon: Part Two (A Niall Horan Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now