Chapter 11 He's Still Alive

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We make our way to the entrance of  the forest where we intertwine our fingers together as Michael kinda has me slightly tucked behind him just to keep me close and safe as we meet with Slender,Jason, Jeff and Freddy. As soon as I step out from behind Michael Jeff is the first one to react.

Jeff-"WOAH Michael you got Brittany knocked up!? Lets hope it gets her looks!" As he burst out laughing I can't help but giggle at his comment I decide well might as well show it off to them so I make my way over to Jeff and the rest of them other than  Freddy for obvious reasons,feel the little feet of our baby girl, finally  Slender steps forward and goes over to Michael and finally begins explaining what's going on. 

Slender-"Listen you guys, We have gotten word that Dr Loomis is still alive and was in the Smiths Grove about two days ago, I know this must bring back dark memories Michael."

As I place my hand on Michael's big forearms he is stiff as a board and he looks down at me with dark piercing eyes, then looks back at Slender. "I'm fine, but I need to take care of this  I'll take Jason with me and it will be handled painfully for Loomis." I look up at Michael letting go of his arm pissed right off not even ignoliging me  I roll my eyes and head down that one path in the forest but this time going down it im not scared I'm fucking angry!  I continue walking as Michael's voice calling out to me sounds like a whisper, I make it to the clearing when Death appears in front of me

Death-"Brittany I see you are very angry right now so why did you summon me?"

"I didn't summon you Death I'm pissed at Michael." 

Death-"When you think about me or even speak of my name I will appear to you, I don't do this for anyone but you are special Brittany and that unborn baby inside of you is a gift, It is a girl correct?"

I run my hand over my belly and smile,"Yeah it's a baby girl, and Death I want you to show me what you do, I want to take souls." Death doesn't even fight me or argue with me on it, I hand him my scythe as he touches his with mine binding them as he hands it back to me I can feel the darkness go through my veins and all he says to me before he disappears is "Once a soul is taken with the Scythe it can not come out." I nod my head and go back to Michael and the alliance.


Still angry with him I push past him and get in the car and drive home alone.

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