Chapter 2 Luke Castellan

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“I don’t understand ,why Annabeth didn’t tell me about you or anyone” Percy said crossing his legs.

“Because she wants it to keep it a secret, she doesn’t want anybody to know about me “

Percy stared at her.

“She doesn’t want anybody else to know about you?”

“Yes, for my  own protection..” Jane sighed.

The two stay silent.

“Jane!” Annabeth called behind.

Jane turn around and go towards Annabeth.

“I’ve been looking everywhere for you!” Annabeth said hugging her sister.

“I’m fine ,Annabeth” Jane laughs.

“I see you already have a new friend” Annabeth said winking at Percy.

Jane blush.

“Come on, I’ll introduced you to the others, Percy do you mind?”

“No, not at all”

Annabeth smiled at him.


Annabeth take Jane to the forest to meet the others. Jane stared in awe when she saw a hundred of Satyr and Centaur.  For the first time in her entire life she didn’t see Satyrs and Centaurs this many. I must be dreaming Jane thought. Jane look around and saw Grover waving at her. She waved back. When a guy come up to her. The guy has blonde hair and blue  eyes. The guy stared at her with an sly smile.

“So you’re the new girl?” The guy said looking at Jane from head to foot.

“Y-yes” Jane said her voice cracking.

“Don’t be scared, I won’t bite. Anyway, I’m Luke and what’s your name?” Luke said in his thick deep voice.

“Jane, it’s nice meeting you. “ 

"You, uh, Annabeth's sister?"

"Yeah"  Luke laughs.

"What so funny?" Jane give him a questioning look.

"It's just that I never expect you to be the "shy" type. With you being daughter of Athena and all."

"Excuse me?" 

"Funny isn't it?" 

“Well just so you know, I go to training school “

“Train? You train?”

“Well, yeah. Sort of” I shrugged.

“Aren’t you a bit feminine to train at a training school? Kidding. Just kidding” Luke laughs.

“I’m just messin with you,” Luke playfully hit me in the arm.

“You’re crazy.. “ Luke laughs harder.

“Well not as crazy as you are.” I rolled my eyes.

"I have to go. See you around" Luke  still laughing.

Jane's P.O.V

There's something about him that drives me insane. I have a feeling we’re not going to get along quite well. I don’t know what makes me mad the fact that he’s rude and arrogant or because he drives me bananas.

 After Annabeth introduced Jane to her friends, Jane take a stroll around the forest.  All of a sudden she hear footsteps coming closer and closer, Jane turn around and saw nothing. Jane rubbed her eyes, then keep walking. She hears the footsteps again she turned around and saw, Luke. Jane sighed, 

"You frightened me" 


"Er, It’s alright." Jane continue walking. Luke followed  her. 

"Why are you alone in the forest?! it's not safe for you here"

"I just want to be alone that’s all”

“You know there's many creatures in the forest this time , do you?" 

"Perhaps I don't." 

"If I we're you, you should go back. I mean, it's getting dark." Luke said looking at the sky. Jane noticed. The sky are turning a bit red. It's already sunset.

"You can leave me alone here, I'll be fine. Totally fine" I said rising my eyebrows. 

"You sure?" Luke gave me a suspicious look.

"Yeah, of course" 

"Well, okay then." Luke said in a nasty grin. He's up to something. I know it. If you want to play this game, let’s play it then. Let’s play it my way. The game is on Luke Castellan. 

I look at the surroundings now it's getting quiet, so quiet as all I could hear was the chirpping of birds. Somehow i know what to do, Luke might be out there somewhere i just have to think smart and focus. 

 I continued walking, l look at my side. None. Well Luke sure does know how to play games. All of a sudden, I heard footsteps coming towards me. thump thump thump....then it stopped. 

i run and run until my feet hurts, but I stopped for a minute, catching my breathe. I can feel my sweat run down my forehead, my hair is now fuzzy. But still, I continued walking when I stomp on a rope then whomp! Next thing I knew I was hanging on the rope, I was high up in a tree. My both feet are tied up in the rope, I flailed my arms. 

"Shit"  I hear giggles. Luke look over at me, and burst out laughing. 

"Wow, look at you." 

"You, freak! Get me out of here"

"No can do, missy"

"Okay, you won now." I force a smile.

"Just....please get me out of here" 

"I always win"  He shrugged, I rolled my eyes.

"Luke Castellan, you get me out of here. This instance! I mean it." 

"Fine, suit yourself" He cut the rope with a sword and I fell into the ground. BAM My head hit the ground. 

"Oww" I said rubbing my head. Luke laughed hysterically. 

Now let me say this, I freakin hate this boy.... 

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