Chapter 6 The Secret

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The days had past and everyone in Camp Half Blood seems to be excited for the wedding. Even Annabeth can't wait, and Percy well I try to avoid him just for the best and inorder for me to move on.He notice it, how I ignore him but it's all for the best. Tyson and Me been great friends. And Luke, he already apologized for what he did, of course I forgive him everybody needs a second chance right?

Walking through the forest, I notice footsteps following me, I grip my sword and before I look around I hear a familiar voice behind me, It's Percy's.

"Jane? Are you ignoring me?" Percy's said his voice weak.

"I-I" I turn around and look at Percy face to face.

"I-I've go to go..." and before I turn around Percy hold my wrist.

"Just listen to me please? Just for a second?" I nod.

"Okay, I'm sorry if I've done something wrong...."

"Percy, you haven't done anything, it's just ... nothing" Percy look at the ground. Jane took a deep breathe.

"I'm sorry for acting that way, You're more like a brother to me, and sorry if I'm huting you... Will you forgive me?" For me, Percy isn't just a brother to me, , but I need to change my feelings now, I'm not planning to take away Percy and I'll never will. I don't want Annabeth to be alone.

"Yes." Percy said hugging me. I can feel Percy's warmth beneath my chest that send me shivers, I closed my eyes and clung my arms around him.

"Thank you" I smiled.


Jane's P. O.V.

Sitting on my room, I took a glimpse at the window to see Percy and Annabeth kissing. Wow, they really look cute together. Why is this so hard? Why do love need to be so complicated? It's like every single time I see them together, I broke inside.

"Why? Jane?I Why are you so stupid?! You think he will love you?! No, he wouldn't! You're just making it all hard, he doesn't love you why can't you see that! How many times you try to make him love you, he won't love you! Percy love Annabeth and not you! " I told to myself, I couln't keep it, I try holding back the tears but I can't do it anymore. I'm tired, tired of all of this!

Jane didn't know but Percy's listening at the other side oft the door, he was shocked and suprised. Does Jane really loves him? Without hesitation, Percy opened the door, there he find Jane crying on the corner.


"P-Percy I-" Jane is shocked, maybe he all hear what I said Jane thought.

"Do you loved me, Jane?" Percy said worry in his eyes. Jane stayed silent. Many thoughts are running through Jane's mind, she couldn't speak and all she has to say was...


"Percy, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to! I'm sorry" Percy without warning, hugged me. He rested his head on my shoulder, while tears fall on my cheeks.

"Shh, it's okay"

"No, Percy It's not. so don't tell me it's okay" I back away from the hug, and leave the room. I wipe the tears from my eyes.

Percy's P.O.V

I can't stand Jane being sad, all I want is to confront her but she just pushed me away. I know how it hurts her, how she fight all of this. It breaks me inside, not sure why. I'm not supposed to, she's just a friend, that's all. Nothing More.


"Annabeth, do we really need to do this? Follow the prophecy?"

"You're having seond thoughts aren't you?!"

"No, It just that we don't need to follow the prophecy! Who cares what it says" Percy nestled his hair and groan in frustration.

"I, I don't know what you're talking about...." Annabeth look at him, her face palm with a worried expression.

"I think you do, Annabeth"

"Do you love me or not?" Annabeth says. Percy remain silent. After that there's a long pause, Percy clears his throat to break the silence.

"Of course, I love you. Why would you think I didn't"

"Because you're acting like one, you're having doubts" Percy held Annabeth's hand and look at her in her eyes.

"You know I love you, I really do, don't ever think that I don't okay? I'm sorry"

"I love you"

"I love you too" Annabeth says as she hug Percy tight in an embrace. Annabeth knew along Percy wasn't ready for this. Neither do she, and she think she'll never be ready. But for now, she now she'll be safe.

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