If Only I Were Skinny [Poem]

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Sometimes I stay in a box in my head,
And I begin to cry.
I stop to think and wonder why.
Why wasn't I invited to the exclusive club of flat tummies?

If only I were skinny.

The girls give names that stick,
The boys are being pricks.
I wouldn't have to deal with this

If only I were skinny.

I know I'm witty,
But I don't feel pretty
In this oversized body of mine.
I'm full of sass,
But I'm the joke of the class.

If only I were skinny.

I mull about
In my self-doubt,
Trying my hardest not to pout.
They can't find out.

If only I were skinny.

The girls who are sporty
Look down their noses
As if I am insignificant trash.
I truly believe I am beautiful on the inside,
I just wish my outside would match.

If only I were skinny.

I could lay in bed
And not have these thoughts constantly in my head

If only I were skinny.

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