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Hey guys I made a picture of what the cast members in my book look like.
Lily is an actual picture of one of my sister's friends so all I did was Bluetooth it to my tablet
Johnny's Pov
Leah ran up next at the lot and started crying so I asked what's wrong and she said Darry yelled at me.

Leah it's okay Darry is just worried about you that's all I said.

Thanks Johnny she said.

Next morning
Leah's Pov

I woke up the next morning and I am no longer at the lot with Johnny I'm back at home in my bed.

I got off my bed and went to the bathroom and brushed my hair and teeth and went down stairs to go eat breakfast I walked down stairs and into the kitchen and Darry told me to sit so I sat down and put a plate of food in front of me.

"Leah I sorry about what I said yesterday I was just worried about you that's all" Darry said.

"I forgive Darry" I said.

I was happy to be Curtis I love everyone in the gang and I love the Curtis cause there my brothers my family and my heart.

~•The end •~•

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