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Leah's Pov

I woke up the next morning and I realized I'm no longer laying in the lot next to Lily and I'm also wearing Johnny's Jean jacket I didn't know what happened all I know was that me and Lily got jumped by Soc's then everything went black after that.

I decided to go down stairs to get answers I walked down stairs and the second I stepped out of my room Johnny,Pony,and Soda grabbed me up by my waist and started swinging me around.

"Okãy please put me down now" I said getting dizzy.

I've been terrified since I got beaten up by the Soc's so I didn't like being swung around.

Me and Johnny sat on the couch and he asked "did find the note I left for you".

"What note" I asked a little curious.

"It's on your desk go look" he said.

I ran up to my room and almost fell face first on the stairs,"I'm okay" I said still running up the stairs.

I looked at my desk there was a note that said  Dear Leah I found your necklace on the ground and I fixed it.
       - love Johnny.

I smiled and picked up the necklace and put the necklace around my neck and ran back down stairs.

I walked down stairs and sat right next to Johnny or was about when Steve took it I walked next to Steve and politely asked Steve "can I sit there please".

"Nope" he said smirking.

"I'll fight you for your spot" I said.

"Okay" he said

"This is gonna be easy let's go" I said.

When Steve got up and pretended to be scared so I ran behind him jumped on his back and I pinned him on the ground.

I told you it was gonna be easy I said sitting down

"Really Steve your gonna let a girl bet you up that's a new low" Soda said rubbing Steve's head with is knuckles.

After everyone stopped laughing me,Johnny,and everyone else watched Mickey Mouse.

After a while I got bored so I asked Johnny "you wanna go to the lot and look at the stars".

"Sure" he said.

I held out my hand for him to grab it and he grabbed it and we started walking to the lot.

Me and Johnny were sitting at the lot looking at the stars when Johnny asked me "are you cold ".

"Yeah a little" I said shivering.

Here he said taking off his Jean Jacket and giving it to me.

"That okay Johnny you don't have to" I said.

"It's okay" he said "besides you need more than I do".

"Thanks"I said putting it on.

Me and Johnny spent the rest of the night talking about,blades,cars,anything so we could keep the conversation going.

"Leah wake up wake up" I look over and I saw Johnny shaking me awake.

Johnny what's going on what happened I asked him still trying to wake up.

"We fell asleep it's about three in the morning".

"Oh no Johnny Darry gonna kill us we should hurry back to the house" I said.

"That's okay I'm gonna sleep out here tonight you get home so Darry doesn't kill me" Johnny said.

"Okay but if you cold come by are house" I said running.

I ran towards the house unlatched the gate and I looked in the window and I saw Two-Bit and Soda laying on the couch Steve passed out on the floor and I was hoping Darry was asleep but no such luck he's sitting in the chair reading the paper.

I was hoping I would make it past Darry but when my foot hits the top step Darry starts saying "Leah Lee Curtis were the holy hell have you been it's almost four in the morning" Darry said getting angry.

"I was talking with Johnny and me and him fell asleep at the lot I sorry I didn't mean to" I said.

"That's all you have to say after you gave everyone a heart attack" Darry said getting even angrier.

"I sorry I didn't mean to" I said by then I could the hot tears streaming down my cheeks.

"THAT'S AL YOU EVER SAY" Darry screamed.

He must have know that made me feel hurt cause he regretted saying.

"L-Leah wait I-I sorry I didn't mean it come back" Darry said but it was to late I was already out the door and Soda,Two-Bit, and Steve were standing there watching me run away.

There was no turning back I was running away.

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