Chapter 1

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Canada never questioned what his brother did. West of Canada's land was the nearest America would ever get to Russia's without taking a ship or plane. It wasn't any real trouble. Canada preferred to stay out of their war, anyways. Most times that America came to go past the border, he'd bring some of his states as well and they'd stay with Canada and his territories for the week or however long America's business lasted. Today was one such time.

There was a knock on the door, and Canada hardly got it before Ontario. He swung the door open to see a handful of the states in front of America. Canada welcomed them in and the states quickly ran off with Ontario. The door closed and Canada have his brother a smile.

"So, what are you up to today?"

"Oh, you know. Work as usual. Got to beat the communists," he sad with a grin.

Canada smiled back to his brother. "How long will you he gone?"

"Only until tomorrow." It was strange, but Canada swore he sounded disappointed for some reason. "My boss needs my back by Sunday."

Canada nodded. "You want some coffee or something before you leave?"

"Thanks, but I should really get going." America looked behind his brother, into the house, as screeches arose, echoing through the house. "Besides, sounds like you've got your hands full at the moment."

"Right," Canada said with a laugh. "Well, see you tomorrow."

"See you then." America opened the door, walking out and closing it behind him.

There was a shatter followed by several shouts. "What did you break, now?" Canada shouted as he rushed away, towards the sound of squealing children.

In the living room, he found the Dakotas and Quebec all taking cover behind different pieces of furniture, pointing their toy guns at each other, shouting nonsense.

On the floor was a picture frame, faced down. Canada walked over and crouched down, carefully lifting the frame to dins bits of glass shards littering the carpet as more micro pieces continued to fall.

"Who his the picture?"

"It was South!" He heard being shouted immediately.

"You messed up my aim!"

"Not my fault you're a lousy shot! Hey!"

Canada turned around just in time to see the twins drop behind the couch, both trying to strangle the other. He sighed and stood up. Walking around to the back of the furniture, Canada got hold of both of them, putting himself between them. "Why are you two always fighting?"

They both responded with a shrug.

Canada stood, walking into the kitchen to get a paper bag before returning to the living room. "If any of you break one more thing, there's not ping to be any desert."

"What?" North Dakota shouted. "That's not fair!"

"Then don't break anything else." Canada cleaned up the glass and took the broken frame and paper bag to the kitchen to be dealt with. He'd never understand how America could handle fifty kids 24/7.


America pushed the handles forward, the engine revving as he rode through the woodland areas. The brisk air blew past him as the ATV ran over the dirt trails.

America slowly eased off as the small house came into view. A light plume of smoke drifted from the chimney. America's ATV came to a stop beside the one already parked in front of the porch of the cabin. He turned off the engine and got off the vehicle. He listened to his boots thunk against the wood as he reached out to door handle. He pushed the door open, closing it behind him once he had gone in. A coat hung by the door.

Two armchairs sat in front if the hearth, a warm fire dancing within the fireplace. America walked across the room and sat down in the empty chair.

"Sorry, I'm later than usual."

"That is fine." The man in the opposite chair held a mug out to him. "I made tea, though, I can't promise it is still warm."

America took the cup, despite it's contents being tepid. He stood and walked to the small kitchen on the other side of the room, dumping it's contents down the drain.

"Ungrateful," he heard the Russian mutter.

America smirked to himself. He set the mug down in the counter before turning around. He saw Russia stand from his seat with his own cup, empty. He placed his mug beside America's.

"You never did like tea, did you?"

America shrugged. "It's good. Doesn't compare to a good cup of coffee, though." He looked up to Russia who had just a slight smile. "I can't stay long. I need to be back by Sunday afternoon."

"We mustn't waste anytime, then." Russia leaned down, pressing his lips to America's. America lifted his hand to Russia's cheek.

Their eyes were closed as their lips moved together. Russia pushed America's jacket off his shoulders, America pulling the jacket off his arms, letting it fall to the floor behind him. Russia pressed closer, his hand pressing to America's back, pulling him closer. America's hand climbed to Russia's head, holding onto his hair.

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