Chapter 5

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The next few months followed Alaska's quick growth. Alaska went from crawling around and getting into everything, to saying her first words and running about the house. It seemed like such a bit thing, yet it didn't change much. Alfred continued with his monthly travels to the woodlands north and the political war between the two world powers raged on.

"Here." America held out a few pictures and an envelope to Russia.

Russia took them in his hands, holding them as if they were made of glass. A smiled spread over his lips as he looked down to the black and white photos. "She's grown so much." There was only the crackling of the fire as Russia looked through the photos. "Does she ask about me?"

"All the time." America sat closer to Russia as he began again. "She keeps a picture with her, and she never takes off the cross you gave her. And every night, before bed, she asks me to tell her about you."

He saw Russia's eyes gleam, small droplets descended his cheek that he quickly wiped away.

America put his arms around Russia, holding him close throughout the evening and night.


America had started a tradition with the states and territories long ago. On their birthdays, America would take the day off to spend with them, just the two of them. This particular day was January 3.

"Are we almost there yet?" Alaska shouted over the rumble of the ATV.

"Be patient," Alfred responded.

Only a few minutes later America turned the engine off when they stopped in front of the cabin. America got off the vehicle, picking up Alaska and placing her down. Alaska held tightly to her dad's hand as they walked up to the door. It was her birthday today and she was finally going to meet her dad.

America opened the door and lead his daughter in. He closed the door behind them. A fire danced in the hearth. America could see Russia sitting in the armchair, facing the flames. "Hello, America."

"Hey, Russia." America looked down to see Alaska looking up to him. He nodded his head in Russia's direction, slowly slipping his hand from hers. He watched her slowly walk towards the armchair.

"How is she?" Russia asked first, as he always did.

"You can ask her yourself."

"*Привет папа," she said softly.

Russia whirled around to see Alaska standing less than a yard away. He stood up and knelt down in front of her. "Rose."

She nodded. He looked just like the picture she had, but she couldn't have really imagined him. She ran to Russia when he held his arms out to her. He held her close to him, his eyes closed as he just absorbed the moment. Russia leaned back to see Alaska's face.

"You're crying," Alaska said worriedly.

Russia smiled as he wiped his tears away. "I'm okay," he reassured her. "I'm just glad I am finally meeting you."

"I made you something." Out of her pocket Alaska pulled out a piece of paper and handed it to Russia. She stepped back so Russia could look at the gift. On the paper was a hand-drawn picture of three people; the three of them together.

"Did you draw this?"

She nodded. "You like it?"

"I love it," he said smiling. "You're quite the artist." Alaska beamed. Russia picked Alaska up in his arms.

It was hours later when Alaska had fallen asleep. Russia held her protectively on his lap as she slept. He carefully pushed a lock of her hair behind her ear. "She's so beautiful." America sat beside the two and handed Russia a steaming mug. With every look at her, Russia regretted their decision for her to stay with America. Now that she was here, he couldn't bare the thought of her leaving once again.

"This won't be forever," America said quietly, seemingly reading his thoughts.

"Won't it? Twenty years it has been. This war is seeming endless. We almost had a nuclear war on our hands. Who's to say it won't actually come to that?"

America took Russia's hand in his. "You have to keep hope. Focus on the things you have, to come to. Focus on Rose."

"I know," he whispered. "I just don't want to lose her. Lose either of you."

America held Russia's cheek in his hand, moving his head to face him. He gently kissed his lover, slowly pulling away and keeping his eyes soft as he looked at him. "I won't let that happen. I promise."


America and Alaska never spoke much about the trips they took together. All anyone ever knew was that Alaska was always jumpy and excited for the yearly trips on her birthday. On that particular day, Alaska raced up to her room when they returned to the house, her footsteps sounding through the house. It was fairly quiet since it wasn't housing all fifty-six of them. The states had gone back to their respective houses across the country.

In her room, Alaska went to her desk where she pulled out the box she kept hidden from everyone else. She sat on her bed and lifted the lid to reveal the few precious possessions inside; gifts and cards that her papa had sent her for birthdays and such. To the small collection, she added the picture they had taken earlier that day. A small black and white photo of the three of them.


Alaska quickly put her box away and opened the door to her room. New York stood in the hallway. She looked up to her brother with a smile. New York gave only the slightest sign of a smile as he looked down to her.

"Dakota made grilled cheese for dinner. You want to come eat?"

"Okay," she said with the same enthusiasm she always spoke with before going downstairs with New York. They joined the others downstairs, the eleven of them sitting around the kitchen table and at the counter as well.

Through the years, Alaska sent many letters to Russia that America would deliver. One such day, Alaska sat in the living room writing a letter after reading one that she had received. Most everyone else had gone outside that afternoon. She jumped to her feet when she heard New Hampshire call her name. She left her things in the living room, running through the house to find New Hampshire. "Yes?" she asked once she had found her.

"Here are your clothes." She put a small pile of folded clothing in Alaska's arms.

"Thanks." Alaska carried them to her room to put them away before returning to the living room.

She stopped in her tracks when she saw New York looking over the pieces of paper she had left on the coffee table. He seemed to realize she was there, because he looked up to her. "These yours?"


*Hi Dad

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