Chapter 13

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"You didn't tell me."

As soon as the matter had been decided in the meeting, Russia had moved from his seat and brought America outside the room.

"Why didn't you tell me?!"

"I just found out! I didn't exactly have time!"

They both kept their voices soft. No one else could hear them. Their emotions quickly helped them forget that, though.

"America, I need to know these things! She's my daughter, too!"

"I know! I just..."

"Just what?"

"I failed," he said quieter. He looked down. "I didn't protect her. I promised I'd take care of you both, and I failed."

Russia's anger immediately died down. Maybe he hadn't been America's first destination to go, but he had his reason. Russia couldn't deny he would have done something similar.

He tipped America's head up. "It's not your fault."

"Yes, it is," he insisted.

"Stop this." America's eyes glistened. Russia's other hand went to his shoulder. "We are going to get Rose back."

"I know. I just... I don't want to fail anyone again."

Russia leaned closer. He pulled America closer to him, gently pressing his lips to America's. The hand beneath America's chin moved to his cheek. His lips moved slowly with America's. Comforting America within his hold. He pulled back, his eyes opening. He watched America's eyes flutter open to see him.

"It's going to be okay," he whispered.

America held Russia's hand in his, against his cheek. He leaned into his hand with a nod.

"Everything's going to be okay. We're going to get her back."

"Am I interrupting something?"

The two turned on the spot to see China standing in front of the open door. So much for keeping a secret. They both stepped away from each other.

"Please, don't stop on my account."

"Who's stopping what?" America heaved a sigh when France joined China.

"How long have you been standing there?"

"Not that long, but long enough," China said. "Are you two... together?"

"What?" France asked curiously.

"It doesn't concern you," America stated.

"I'd say it does." China crossed his arms. "I've been listening to you conversation. Alaska is your daughter now, is she?

"What? America, what is China talking about?" France asked. When neither Russia nor America answered, China continued.

"Exactly, how long have you two been seeing each other?"

"A while," America answered.

"And Alaska?" Neither of them spoke. "Wow. You realize this changes a lot."

"Why do you think we kept it quiet?" Russia said.

"You can't keep it a secret forever," France said, quickly catching on. "You have to tell everyone."

"No," America said firmly.

"We made a decision to protect her," Russia said. "And for as long as we can, we are standing by that decision."

"You can't keep lying to everyone."

"It's not lying if no one mentions it," America pointed out.

"That is not how I live." He reentered the room, and they could hear his voice silence the others.

Russia cursed under his breath. "Dammit," America muttered.

"You do realize what will happen when we get her back," France said.

"I know," he said quietly.

"You two you should probably get back in there."

America and Russia headed his advice and went together into the conference room only a moment after France had. The room was quiet, no one dares to speak at first.

"How long has this been going on?" England asked.

America figured that he often forgot he wasn't his guardian anymore. "Since before any of you would care to remember."

"And Alaska," Germany started. "She is your daughter? Your biological daughter."

The two nodded confirmation. "Will you still help us?" Russia asked.

"Of course," Japan said immediately.

"The matter only changes what happens when we return," Germany stated. "It is very rare that a situation like this occurs."

"Can we deal with that after, then?" America said. "I have a daughter that needs help."


Alfred walked up to Alan. Alan out his phone in his pocket just as he Alfred stopped in front of him. "How are you doing?"

"How are you?" he retorted. "I called Viktor. He's going to meet us on the other side."

Alfred nodded. "Good."

"He'd kill me if I didn't tell him about this," Alan muttered. Alfred had no doubt if that. "I'm going to kill the sons of bitches that did this."

"Not if I get to them first."

Alan smirked. "Guess that's one thing we can agree on."

"Guess so."

With a bit of magical assistance, the single doorway was tracked down. Standing there, America stood with Russia, New York and New Hampshire. Two he had grown up with, all three people he would trust with his life.

Alfred stepped into the doorway just after Alan. He felt the darkness swarm around him as he passed through.

We're coming, he thought. I'm coming, Rose.


There are two possible plots for here on out. You guys are going to choose!

1) May be a tense ending. Will be shorter.

2) May be tense and possibly very feelsy. Longer than option 1.

Comment on which one you'd like. The one with the most votes wins!

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