Chapter 4

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America landed in front of the house, right in front of the front door. Just then, Alaska started to cry. America looked down to Alaska. He carefully took her from her cradle, cradling her in her arms, sifting shushing the child. "It's okay. Don't cry, it's going to be fine."

Once she had quieted down, America opened the door. Taking the cradle in other hand, he walked inside, pushing the door closed with his foot. "I'm home!" he called into the house.

"Who's that?"

America looked up to the banister to see New York looking down over the railing of the banister.

"You're new little sister."

"A sister?" Another voice came from the next room over. An excited Mississippi ran in. "Let me see! Let me see!"

America knelt down to let Mississippi see Alaska. He watched a smile spread over her face. "She's so cute!" she squealed. "Who is she?"

"This is Alaska. Her name's Rosabella."

"Alaska," New York questioned.

"Jackson, come look!" Mississippi squealed to New York.

America watched New York descend the staircase. He came to stand beside Mississippi as he looked down to the quiet child who was observing them both with wide eyes. America watched New York's gaze swap between Alaska and him a few times before he spoke up.

"This wouldn't be any sort of result from your 'business' trip, would it?"

America was saved from answering when a handful of the states came rushing into the room to see the new territory. America looked up to all the smiles and curious faces aimed towards Alaska. He lost count of how many times he introduced Alaska to them all. New York, New Hampshire and Massachusetts stood in the back of the hall, behind the crowd of their brothers and sisters. They all looked curious; America couldn't make out their quiet conversation to each other.


"Are we going to talk to him about it?"

"Think he'll admit anything?" Massachusetts said sarcastically.

"Think anyone else will put anything together?" New Hampshire wondered.

"No," New York said. All of them kept their voices no louder than quiet muttering. "No one else knows about them two. They won't question Alaska."

The three of them watched as the crowd slowly dispersed. New York walked into the remainder of the crowd, shooing them away to give some space around America and Alaska. "Go on," he said to Puerto Rico. "You can see her later, Evan." The kid nodded and ran off to the other room, leaving the five of them left in the hall. New York looked back up to America. "You never answered my question."

America sighed as New Hampshire and Massachusetts came to stand beside New York. "It's always you three, isn't it."

"She's just a territory," New hampshire said.

"Yes, Dakota. What else would she be?"

"Alfred, none of us were ever physically that young," Massachusetts pointed out.

He raised his eyebrows in indifference.

"Not even the territories," New Hampshire continued. "Why is she a baby? When you found the rest of us, none of us were physically younger than five or six."

America just shook his head. "Guys, I don't know. Asking is like asking why we all exist in the first place." He picked up the cradle beside him, holding Alaska close to him in his opposite arm. "I'm going to set up a bed for Rose. Can I put you three in charge of watching her?"

They nodded and America put Rose into New York's arms to his displeasure. "Why me? How should I known how to take care of a baby?"

"You do have a couple dozens younger siblings." America left the four alone, going upstairs.

"He's a good liar," Massachusetts muttered.

"Of course he is," New Hampshire said.

New York looked down to the small child in his arms. He couldn't help but smile at his new little sister. Her bright eyes focused on him, silvery hair crowning her head. "Think there's any chance that it could just be a coincidence?"

"Remember what we always say about coincidences," New Hampshire pointed out.

"There's no such thing as a coincidence," Mass answered.

Alaska held up her small hand, reaching to New York's face. It wasn't that they didn't accept Alaska, they did and they would love her as they loved all the rest of their siblings. They just wanted to make sure that they could take care of her. They'd only heard stories of what happened to the biological children of personifications, and none of them had ended well.

"We'll take care of her," New York decided. It hadn't needed to be said, it was a promise they all kept to take care of their siblings.

"So," Massachusetts started uncertainly. "What are we supposed to do?"

New York eyed his sister carefully, trying to judge her physical age. "Think she's old enough to eat people food?"

New Hampshire stepped closer and gently put her finger between Alaska's lips, opening her mouth just enough to see her gums, the smallest of white just barely visible. "I don't think so. We'll probably have to mash something up for her."

"We could always give her yogurt," Mass suggested.

"That could work."

"How about that, Rose," New York asked. "You hungry?"

She responded only with incomprehensible noises. Some language that only babies understood.

"It's just about time for lunch, anyways," New Hampshire noted.

"Jared ordered pizza earlier. Should be here soon."

"Guess we should go get something for Rose, then."

The small group went to the kitchen where they could hear shouting from the living room nearby. A distinguished shout ran through the air. "I'll get it," Massachusetts said, departing from the room to settle the argument.

New Hampshire went to the fridge, pushing some things around until she found a yogurt. New York carefully unwrapped Alaska from the thick blanket, revealing a loose dress she was dressed in.

New York sat down at the table. Based on the amount of hair on her head and the mobility of her body, he figured that she must have been a few months old, physically. He carefully sat her on his lap and found that she perfectly capable to support herself.

New Hampshire handed New York an opened yogurt and spoon just before the doorbell rang through the house, almost immediately followed by a shout for pizza from at least a dozen kids. She went to go answer the door, leaving New York and Alaska.

New York dipped the tip of the spoon into the yogurt, holding it in front of Alaska's mouth. She just stared at the metallic piece of silverware, then to New York.

"Come on, kid. Open up." He held his mouth open, hoping she would get the message.

She parted her lips ever so slightly before New York pushed the tip of the spoon into her mouth. He slipped it out from between her lips, clean of the yogurt. New York watched Alaska swallow the food, licking her lips a bit.

"Like it?"

She stared at him, looking a bit impatient. New York spooned a little bit more into her mouth as dozens of voices were heard from the kitchen. New York heard America call out for everyone to calm down as the scent of pizza wafted through the room.

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