Chapter 20

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Romania watched the other personifications in front of them for a moment before his eyes fell to England. He could see him slowly putting together the sigil markings and the astonished look on America's face. "Romania, what did you-"

"We don't have time." He pulled himself together, wiping the sigils off of his skin. America must have seen him, as he began to do just the same. There was a blue tint to the back of his hands, but he knew it would fade with time. "We need to go, now."

"What do you mean?" Germany asked.

"It's a bit complicated to explain," America started.

"All you need to know is that we need to go as soon as possible, preferably now."

"What happened?" Russia stared at them both incredulously.


"It's not important." Romania cut America off. He made eye-contact with America as he nodded.

"Who's coming with us? We should have a small group, two others." After a moment of glances around the room, Germany stood with Japan. "Thank you. We leave in ten minutes."

America turned to leave the room. Romania watched Alan race after him. Romania would have followed if he hadn't heard England call his name close-by. England walked up to him, the two states and their opposites stood by the table, arguing between themselves.

"What did you do?" It didn't sound much like a question. Regardless, Romania thought it would be better to have the conversation elsewhere. England took a firm grip on Romania's arm when he didn't respond. He lead him outside the room and down he corridor, away from Alfred and Alan.

"I'll ask once more. What did you do?"

"Things went wrong, really wrong. I just cast a spell to get America and me back to here."

"A time-travel spell," England grumbled. "You know how dangerous that is!"

"I did what I had to," he said confidently.

"Those sigils are from that spell you made. The one we decided was too dangerous, that-"

Romania grit his teeth. "I always knew it worked," he grumbled. "You were the one who kept doubting me!"

"Because you would have used that time-travel spell."

He threw his arms up in exasperation. "I did what I had to! Alfred was-"

"Alfred?" England stopped him, questioning the use of his human name, his thick eyebrows raised. Romania glared at England. "Since when was he Alfred to you?" He seemed more curious.

Romania looked away. He couldn't find anything to say. He wondered if there even was anything reasonable to say. He let out a deep sigh. He looked back to England only when America called his name. He spun on his feet. America and his states stood by their opposites, Russia and his as well. Germany and Japan stood with them, all of them holding somber expressions.
Romania walked up to America without another thought to England. "Do you have a sniper rifle with you?"


"Take it and find a perch in a building across the street."

"What?!" America almost lurched forward at him.

Romania returned with the same force in his voice. "Do you want to repeat last time?"

He stepped forward in his anger. "Hiding in a building across the street isn't going to help!"

"Listen to me," he said quieter. "You're the best sniper we've got. Now, if you want to save Rosabella, you'll get your rifle and find yourself a perch when we get there. Russia will be there if you really don't trust me." His voice sunk back into his throat. He watched America's frustration recede before he nodded.

When he returned, England and Norway had helped him conjure the doorway. Romania watched the group pass through, only going in after Japan. A rush of adrenaline washed through him as he passed through, his blood going cold.
The new world appeared before him and his nerves settled once again. He looked around at their group. He looked to America until they made eye-contact. With just a nod, he left and Russia, Viktor and Alan immediately took lead.

Germany spoke up, "This looks like-"

"The conference building," Alan finished, just as he had before.

"The one in Tokyo," Japan pointed out. "Why are we here?"

"This is where the girls are," Romania stated quickly. "We need to move, now."

"Viktor. Alan. What are you doing here?"

"I could ask you the same thing, Andres," Alan said.

"We don't have time for this," Romania tried to say.

"You are right." Russia pulled his gone, two silent shots exiting the silenced pistol into the spanish man. He fell to the floor limp and Russia took the lead into the building. Romania followed close behind, hoping America found a decent perch in time.


America climbed the flights of stairs, his heels clicking on the metal. Several floors up, he stopped a few steps short of the next landing. He looked out of the window running up the entire height of the building. He sat himself down, placing the bag beside him.
Unzipping the bag, he pulled the rifle out, snapping the butt out and twisted the silencer on. With ammo in the barrel and positioned himself correctly atop the steps. He peered through the scope, turning the safety off. He could see through the window of the building across the street. He got glimpses of a few people, but no one that he cared about much.

He steadied his breathing, not sure how long he'd have to wait. He couldn't stop his pulse from quickening when he saw Rose dragged into his line of sight by Italy's double. He watched her pushed down beside Alan's daughter, Italy standing only a few feet away.

His finger rested on the trigger. He couldn't rush it. He couldn't spare a miss-shot. He calmly inhaled, exhaling the air. He readjusted his aim and inhaled once more. On his exhale, his pulled the trigger three times in rapid succession. He heard the bullets launch and the glass shatter, and he watched the Italy standing over his daughter fall to the floor.

His pulse quickened when the girls were left alone for several moments, he panicked. His nerves quickly dialed down when Russia ran in, taking Rose into his arms. America heaved a great sigh of relief. He put the safety on and let his read rest on his hand as he closed the cap to the scope.

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