Chapter 2

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America could smell smoke; the fire had probably gone out. The scent filtered through his senses pulling him into consciousness. When he finally pulled his eyes open, he found the blanket over him had left his feet to the cold. The rest of him was warm enough. He felt the warm presence beside him, Russia's arm wrapped around America's chest.

America carefully reached for his glasses and watch upon the nightstand. Putting on his glasses, he held his watch up to see the small hands on the silver face. 8 17. He had to get back before noon. He put his watch back on the nightstand with a light sigh. He carefully pushed himself up, Russia's grip around him tightening.  He listened to the small moan come from the man beside him before his eyes fluttered open.

"Good morning," America said with a smile.

Russia turned to look out the window tiredly before he turned back to America. "Leaving already?"

"I'm afraid so." America moved to get up, though Russia didn't loosen his grip and refused to when America looked back to him. America quickly took Russia's hand in his, bending it back at the wrist until Russia relinquished his grip. America let go and stood, pulling the blanket off of himself. He moved across the room to retrieve his clothing and dress himself.

Russia sat up in the bed, massaging the wrist that America had almost broken. Pulling on the last of his clothing, America sat down on the bed to put on his boots. After he had tied his laces, he stood to his feet, quickly putting on his watch and looking back to Russia who had begun to dress himself. America leaned on the bed and put a hand to Russia's chin, turning his head to face him. He leaned closer, pressing his lips to Russia's for a moment before getting off the bed and standing.

He was at the door when Russia spoke up. "I will see you next month?"

"Counting on it."

Russia listened as America's footsteps departed from the small cabin, the front door closing behind him. Only a few moments later did he hear the rumble of the ATV as it faded, carrying America away.

Russia sighed as he pulled on the remainder of his clothing. It grew tiring to keep themselves a secret from all but a select few. Just about a decade, Russia thought to himself. That's how long they had been keeping this charade up.

He stood as he draped his scarf around his neck and fixed the bed up a bit. He exited the bedroom, making his way towards the door where he put his boots on before he suddenly stopped. There was a noise. A subtle thump that he had hardly heard. His head swiveled around to see into the opposite room where they stayed.

/That wasn't there last night. How could that be there?/

On the kitchen table sat a small cradle, one Russia could held in his arms. His eyes widened as a small movement rocked the cradle.

Russia approached the table cautiously, the creaking of the wooden floor boards magnified in his ears. He leaned over the table to see a small child wrapped in a blanket within the cradle. It's eyes were open wide, staring directly at Russia. Russia frowned a bit, uncertain of what to do. Why is this child even here?

He looked away from the child's face and to its cradle. He hadn't ever seen one like it before. It was weaves from twigs and small branches, while the blanket seemed to be made from a kind of fur. It almost looked as if a native had made it all and deposited the kid on their kitchen table.

Russia pushed aside a corner of the blanket to see a piece of bark tucked away. He pulled it out and glanced over the clean side of it, a single name inscribed onto it.


"Did you guys have fun?"

"Me and Trace had a battle with Will," North Dakota said excitedly.

"And who won?"

"I did!" South Dakota shouted triumphantly.

America smirked at his enthusiasm. "What did you do, Nic?"

"I played with Liam upstairs," he said softly, as he always was.

"Ethan and I played in the woods," Nebraska stated.

America took a sharp right turn as he pulled down the street. "Find anything cool?"

"Not much. We followed some animal tracks, though!"

A few minutes down the road and America out the car into park before he pulled his key out of the ignition, the engine ceasing it's noise.

"All ashore," America said as the car doors opened and they all got out, running to the front door.

The doors were all closed and America joined them inside. Just as he closed the front door behind him, the phone started ringing.

"I've got it!" a shout came before the ringing was silenced.

America hung up his coat and put his boots away before another clear hour rang through the house.

"Alfred! It's for you!"

America quickly went to the kitchen where North Carolina was standing with the phone in hand. "Thank you, Clara," he said as he took the phone from her.

"You're welcome," she said before leaving the room.

America put the phone to his ear. "Hello?"


"Ivan?" Why was he calling him?

"Yes. Sorry for calling-"

"You're lucky anyhow. I just got home."

"I figured so," he said. "Listen. There's a situation. Something happened. I'm not exactly sure what."

"What? What happened?"

"I'm not sure I should say on this line." The hesitance in his voice nagged at America. "We need to meet."

America ran his hand through his hair. "I don't know. I mean-"

"Please. I'm still at the cabin."

America took in a deep breath and sighed. He closed his eyes to cease the spinning in his head. "I'll call my boss," he said finally. "I'll be there tomorrow."

"I'll see you tonight, then."

"Wait-" and the line went dead. America sighed and rung up his bosses number. He tried his best to come up with a reasonable explanation. He ended up relenting, saying that he had been pushing America a bit hard recently.

America exhaled a deep breath in relief. He looked to his watch then proceeded to get his shoes back on and take his jacket as he called through the house for everyone to meet him in the front hall. In a minute, the hall was filled with dozens of kids. They weren't normally all gathered here in this house, but they all gathered for the Fourth of July every year and that time was coming soon.

America looked out to all of the children varying in physical age. "Something's come up," he said loudly. "And I have to go out."

There were whines and quiet comments from all of them.

America frowned. He hated doing this to them, just leaving like this. "Jackson, Dakota, Aaron and Jared are in charge." There were many moans at this news. "I'll be back by tomorrow, no later than noon. I want the house intact when I get back," he said with a nod, signaling that he was finished and that they could leave. All if them left to go back to their previous activities, all except Massachusetts and New Hampshire. They both walked closer to America looking to him inquisitively.

"What happened?" New Hampshire asked.

"Nothing," America said calmly. "Something just came up."

"And that's why you're just up and leaving."

"What are you going to do?" Massachusetts asked, his arms crossed over his chest as they usually were.

"The president called. I just have to go do something for him."

"You sure?"

"I'm sure, Aaron."

Before they could question him anymore, America have both of them a hug and went out the door.

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