Chapter 7

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The next few months were filled with a kind of stress that America hadn't known before. Although the war was officially over, America didn't spend much more time with his states and territories than he had before. When ever he came home to his states in the northeast, Alaska was the first to greet him. Each time America would give her a small shake of his head and small words of encouragement, to not give up hope. Each month America traveled to a different part of the country to visit his different states and territories. In November, he was in the northwest.

The weather outside was brisk, a foot of snow covering yard outside. At eight thirty, the sky was dark and the stars shined brightly. New Hampshire closed the light to Pennsylvania's room, wishing him a good night and sweet dreams, before walking out. Everyone had been put to bed, almost everyone anyways. She walked to Alaska's room and pushed the door open. Inside, the bed was empty and there was no one but herself in the room.

"Rose?" she called out softly. With no response, she left the room, going back downstairs. She searched the house, softly calling for her little sister. She walked into the living room, a fire dancing in the fireplace. Sitting on the wood floor was Alaska, he knees pulled up to her chest as the light from the fire washed over her.

"It's getting late," New Hampshire said. "You want to get to bed?"

Alaska didn't say anything, nor did she shake or nod her head. She simply sat there, frozen. New Hampshire quietly walked over to her, sitting down beside Alaska. "What's wrong?"

"Papa," she said quietly. "He's sick, and Dad and me can't visit him." Alaska looked up to New Hampshire. "I don't know what to do. I can't even send him a letter."

New Hampshire looked over Alaska's strong eyes, so pained with worry that she felt as if she were feeling the same pain. She simply said, "You have to keep hope."

"I do, but what do I do until I can actually do something?"

"Draw for him."

"But, I can't send them to him."

"You will one day. Just draw all the things you think will cheer him up. You'll see him again, Rose. Alfred is doing all he can to make sure of that, and we're all right here for you."

Alaska turned to her older sister, wrapping her arms around her. New Hampshire held her close as she felt her sister's breathing steady. "Thank you, Dakota," she whispered.

"Don't worry about it." She held her sister until she fell asleep. Careful not to wake her, New Hampshire stood with Alaska in her arms. She turned to the doorway to head upstairs when she saw New York standing there.

"She okay?"

She nodded. She watched New York for a moment, how he watched Alaska. His eyes soft, yet strong. She knew he wouldn't let anything ever happen to her.

"Want me to take her up to bed?"

"I've got her." She walked past New York and upstairs to Alaska's room. Careful not to run into anything in the dark, New Hampshire carefully laid her sister in the bed and pulled the blankets over her body. She left the room with a quiet 'good night' and the door ajar.

Back downstairs, she stood at the doorway of the living room. New York stood in front of the fireplace, just watching the flames. "You going to bed?"

He looked up to see her standing at the doorway that connected the room with the front hall. "Someone's got to stay up with the fire."

"And that's always got to be you?"

He shrugged his shoulders. "I am older."

"By five years." It may have seemed like a lot, but for them, a few years wasn't much. They still held just as many memories, the time was just never as valuable a human's.


New York watched her just shake her head. He smirked to himself as she walked away, returning minutes later with two mugs. She held one out to him as he gratefully accepted. He lifted the mug to his lips, holding it in one hand. The hot drink rushed over his tongue. He could taste the light chocolate flavor, not too strong, a rather perfect blend that only New Hampshire ever seemed to make. It was quite annoying, actually.

New York put his mug atop the mantle once he had finished the warm drink. He looked back to New Hampshire, her mug still clasped in her hands. Her eyes stared, half opened, at the flames below her.

"Who's tired now?" he teased.

"Be quiet." She yawned before looking back up to him. "Seriously, you need to sleep. I'll put the fire out."

He nodded, feeling his own eyes grow heavy. He took his mug from the mantle and held out his hand to New Hampshire for hers. She gave it to him with a quiet 'thanks' before New York went to put the mugs on the counter in the kitchen. He stopped by the living room before heading up to his room. New Hampshire knelt in front of the fire, just watching the flames as they slowly flickered to embers.


Alaska expected the same news from America as he always had when he came to visit them. She still met him at the door, however, she wasn't the first. America greeted all of his states with a bright smile that only brightened when he saw Alaska. Once the others had left, Alaska went up to her father and gave him a hug. Before she could ask anything, he surprised her with a question of his own.

"Guess what?"

She stopped. "What?"

"Would you like to see Papa?"

Something in her chest flew up to her throat. "Really?" He nodded. Alaska engulfed her dad in a hug, barely containing her new excitement, her joy. She was going to see her dad again. "When?"

"Two days. We have a flight early Thursday morning."

She nodded excitedly. She immediately went up to her room and packed a bag, not wanting to wait any longer than she had to. She grabbed her sketchbook, several lose pieces of paper behind the front cover, all filled with drawings and sketches she had done in her spare time.

Thursday didn't come soon enough. When it did, America shook her awake when the sky was still dark. She quickly got dressed and brought her things downstairs to the front door. She put on her shoes and pulled on her jacket. America walked into the front hall with New Hampshire, her eyes partially closed and her hair hastily pulled back into a ponytail. She walked down to the car with them. America and Alaska put their bags in back where Alaska sat. New Hampshire got in the driver's seat and drove them to the airport. There, Alaska and America both hugged New Hampshire.

"Have a nice trip," she said to Alaska.

"Thanks." She watched her sister drive away before her dad tugged her arm, showing her inside. It was another hour before they finally got into the air, and the sun was peaking over the horizon. Alaska sat in her seat, watching the land pass by below her until they came to fly over the clouds.

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