{XII} Nori and Ripped Net.

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Vanessa tried to eat her hamburger but the first bite she took she had spit out into a napkin. It was gross, like as if it was bad meat. She knew the school food was terrible but not that terrible. She was losing her appetite for normal food. Food either taste bland or as if it had gone bad and moldy. She wasn't even very hungry lately anymore though, like she could go a day with eating at least once and she'll feel full.

She was getting thirsty a lot though, she had one though jumbo size water bottles and she finished it by the end of lunch. Yet, something about that was different. It help her thirst but the water taste so—eh? Boring maybe that was the right word. But it was water, water has no taste.

By the time school ended, she changed into the girls bathroom into her black shorts and white t-shirt for work. She had manage to make it through the hallways of the school building without being stared at by the whole student body. Success!

She started her twenty minute journey to the beach and she really wished she had some music to block the quiet, but once she got closer and closer to the boardwalk, more people were coming around and at least it was silence that was killing her anymore.

People had managed to finally stop talking about her so much and her freak accident. People were either moving on from it or finding something else to gossip about. She was becoming invisible again until her freaky glow comes on, then everyone ten feet away has their attention on her.

One of the shops on the boardwalk caught Vanessa attention and she turned to face the Japanese theme shop where everything Japanese was inside. Even Sushi can be bought here. The thought made her sick in the stomach since poor little fishies were in Sushi. When she picture a normal sushi roll in her mind, she didn't think of the fish anymore. She thought of the seasweed.

Her mouth suddenly watered and she licked her mouth. She brought her hand up to her stomach as she walked into the shop and looked around. She had been here many times before just to look around and get a few of the pretty jewelry Mrs. Oshiro makes. She got closer to the back where she found the lady who was in her late thirties making some sushi and when she looked up, she smiled, “Oh hi Vanessa.”, she said.

“Hey.”, she said, then looked down at the cutting board where she had seaweed and...oh no, poor fish meat. Vanessa quickly held back her disgust and wanting to curse out the women for how cruel she is, but she knew it was the mermaid part of her and she had to control it.

“Vanessa?”, Mrs. Oshiro asked and Vanessa head snapped up to look back up at the confused women.

Vanessa forced a smile, “I hear this is the place where you can by your own stuff to make homemade sushi. Thought it would be fun to make at home for me and my dad.”

“Oh.”, she said, then smiled. “What kind are you looking to make.”

“Something simple, maybe with crab meat.”, she said and Mrs. Oshiro nodded.

“Give me a moment.”, she said, walking to a door and left to the backroom. Vanessa was tapping her right foot against the floor, waiting impatiently for her so she could get her seaweed and get away from the poor fish meat. Vanessa was more then tempted to take the sacked pile of dry seaweed next to the cutting board and leave. Mrs. Oshiro came back out though before she could and Vanessa gave her innocent smile. “Here's some seaweed and a guide to make some really good seaweed. You can go to the grocery store to by some of the vegetable and meat.”

Vanessa smiled excitedly, “Great. How much.”

“Six fifty.”, she said, hanging her to nori sheets. “If you wet them a little, it can make it easier to work with.”

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