{IX} Jumping In A Pool Of Sharks and Soda Expolison.

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Raphael had to drive on the other side of town—the college side of town. It's mostly where all the people who attend the school to study business and other stuff. Guess it's more a school for partying since it's a big school in the state for people to go and party since it's right near the beach.

Raphael pulled up to a frat house and Vanessa straighten up in her seat, making a unsure face as she watched people going and out of the house. She suddenly wanted to tell Raphael to drive her back home so she could go hide under her blankets where she knew it was safe from not just water, but people.

“Relax.”, Raphael said, looking at the frat house then her again. “You're not jumping in a pool of sharks.”, he chuckled.

“It's just. . .I never been to a party so I'm a little nervous.”, she admitted.

“There's nothing to freak out about, Vanessa.”, he said. “All you have to worry about is how much fun your going to have. You do know what fun is?”, he asked jokingly. “Don't really yell me you don't have friends, Vanessa.”

“I have friends!”, she defended herself. “I just..only see them at school. I'm not very popular. Did you ever hear of my name last year? Your only over a bit year older then me.”

Raphael bit his bottom lip, “Well now you have a friend who wants to see after school. We always talk on the boardwalk.”

“More like me serving you ice cream only.”, she said. “You eat ice cream a lot, Raphael.”, she chuckled.

“I couldn't eat a lot of it when I was on the football team in high school.”, he said, chuckling making her heart swoon at the sound of it. His voice was like an angel and he didn't need some mermaid magic to make it sound like that. “Now come on, I wont let anyone make fun of you.”

“That's not what I'm scared of.”, she said.

“Then what is it?”, he asked, shrugging.

Her mouth opened a little and she quickly closed it. She didn't want to admit it was water she was scared of without him questioning and he didn't want her to think she was any more of a loser. It's not like she could really come out 'oh because I’m a mermaid, I have to stay clear of it' either.

Not thinking of a question fast, she shook her head and opened the truck door, jumping out. She fixed her flannel shirt because the top two buttons were open and she had her bathing suit under it. She wonders how long it's been like that, she hoped Raphael didn't notice, that would be so embarrassing.

She was walking over towards Raphael side and she kept forgetting she had to look up at him since he was over four feet taller. “I forgot to ask, do you even go to this school?”, she asked.

“No, I don't.”, he said as they walked over to the house. “My friends go here, I decided not to go to college at least right now. My father didn't like the idea, he wanted his son to go finish school but my dream is go out into the sea, become like my dad and uncle.”

“So your dream is to catch fish?”, she asked.

He chuckled, “Putting it that way makes it sound so lame, but it's more then catching fish. I love the ocean, just being out there makes me happy so I have to catch fish apart of that, I don't care.”

“Oh.”, she said, walking up the steps. “I never learned really how to swim, but my mom use to take me to the ocean in the shallow end. So I never been to interested in the ocean.”

“Where is your mom?”, he asked, making her freeze at the door. He stopped when he realized she did and turned to her, confused, “What? What's wrong?”

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