Chp 37

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Alex's POV

I wake up with the sun hitting my face, &Liams arms wrapped around my waist. I wiggly myself out of his grip &make my way to the restroom. my eyes were a little swollen because of last night. I checked my stomach &my scratches were already healing, they were already closed &forming scabs so I decide to shower.

Since I haven't fully showered in about 2 days I took my sweet time. I stood standing letting the hot water hit my head &roll down to my whole body. I kept thinking about what Justin wanted to talk to me about the Full Moon. why does Justin want to tell me things that Liam wont? Why won't Liam even tell me anything? when I ask him he either ignores me or changes the subject. am I going to be evil or something?


I loose my train of thought when I hear Liam's voice

"Ugh y-yeah" I stuttered as I started to wash my body.

"Hurry okay, breakfast is almost ready"

"Oh okay" I tell him as I make sure he closes the door. after breakfast I'm going to see Justin so I'm gonna start singing so that he can know that I'll see him soon "I don't know you but I want you..... words fall thru me &always fool me &i can't react"

Justin's POV

"Raise your hopeful voice, you have a choice... falling slowly. eyes that know me &i can't go back...."

It was Alex.

"Do you hear that Justin?" Ray asked me as we ate breakfast.

"Yeah it's Alex" I looked at him "Derek it's her!" I screamed

"You must get ready Justin" Derek tells me as he comes down the stairs "Stiles!" he called for him.

"Come with me Ray &get Johnny" I heard Stiles coming out from his room "meet me in the woods" I tells them as he rushes outside

"What's going on?" I asked him confused

"While you talk to her we are visiting Liam" Derek smirked at me &walked back up stairs.

"It's a party Justin" Ray smiled at me "time to get ready"

I was able to see his eyes beam red, I nodded at him &went towards my room. time to get ready I guess.

Alex's POV

I finished showering &i started to get dressed. I wore a pair of black jeans, a superman tank top, &a pair of blue Surpras. I put up my damp hair in a hair bun. going down the stairs I was able to smell pancakes &eggs.

"It's smells delicious" I tell the boys.

"Thanks" Harry smiled as he was serving me "hopefully you like regular pancakes"

It was good that he started to learn how to cook, now I won't have to cook for all of them.

"You sounded sad this morning Alex" Zayn told me as he took a bite of his eggs.

"What do you mean?" I asked him confused

"You sang that song with a sad voice"

"Oh no I was just didn't want anyone to hear so I sang in low voice" I lied "where is Liam?" I asked them. I haven't seen him since I came downstairs.

"Right here" I heard him from the top of the stairs. I looked up at him but he looked angry or sad I couldn't really tell.

"Liam what's wrong?" I heard Niall

"I don't know ask Alex" he looked at me serious.


Before he said anything he slammed the walkie on the table "what's this?" he looked at me serious

"A broken walkie talkie" I told him trying to stay calm "I told you last night"

"Your lying" I was able to see Liam's eyes glimmer blue "it's Derek's, &it has a bug" He broke the walkie with his fist &took out a little microphone.

"Alex where did you get this!?" I heard Louis, he was shape shifting

"I saw Justin in the woods the other day" I looked at him "he let me talk to my mother, not like you!" I looked at Liam "you only let me send her a letter"

"Alex after what I've been through, you decide to take their side?" I heard Zayn, he was getting angry "what the hell!" he was already shifted.

"Why haven't you changed me Liam?" I looked at him "why haven't you explained to me what happens on the full moon? huh!" I pushed him but I pushed him to hard that he flew across the kitchen &hit the stairs.

"How do you know that?" Louis asked "how do you know about the full moon?"

"Justin told me last night" I can't explain it but I felt some sort of power taking over me.

"It's happening" I heard Liam as he tried to get up "I can explain Alex"

"Explain what!" I screamed at him but instead I kinda growled "explain what Liam?!" I started walking towards Liam but something stopped me

"Niall don't!" I heard Harry as I felt someone grab my arm

"Let me go!" I screamed as I pushed someone away. it was Niall. I pushed him so hard that he broke the living room window &he broke his knee &was bleeding like crazy.

The boys called out to him as he they tried to help him get up but he couldn't

"Niall?" I called out for him

"Alex stay away!" Zayn growled at me trying to bloke me from Niall.

"Liam what's happening to me?"

"It's almost time..." he starred at me

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