Chapter 2

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I woke up to something bright shining in my eyes and I was shivering. I opened my eyes and I noticed I was still in the forest. I must of fallen asleep since I was really tired.

I felt Luke's arm around my waist and he was facing the opposite side of me. It felt weird and uncomfortable. He stirred a little, shifted around, he tighten his grip around my waist and faced me but he still slept.

He must of been really exhausted too if we both fell asleep here. He looked really cute with his tosled brown hair. I wanted to touch it. The temptation won me over so I stretched and touched his hair, it felt so soft and smooth. I trailed my hand down his face. What was I doing ugh.

Suddenly he moved, his eyes stayed closed which was a releave then he grabed my hand & trailed it to his cheek then his lips they felt so soft. I felt a rush of warmth & electricity run through my body. He just held my hand to his chest. I pulled my hand away carefully.

I layed back down, i must have dozzed off because I was woken up when I felt somebody touch my hair.

"What are you doing?" I said sleepily.

"You had something in your hair" he said embarassed. He smiled, got up and helped me get up.

"Your probably tired of hanging out with me but we need to practice. We need to know how to dance, being around eachother and other things." he said with a sly smile,.

"Oh what a joy more time together but first I would like to take a shower and eat something." I said, as my stomatch grumbled.

"I can hear that and to be fair and to let you breath some fresh air. I also promise you after we get married and I have got what I wanted ,we will get divorced & you will regain your freedom once again." he said seriously.

"That seems fair."

"I better let you go and I'll meet you back here in two hours." he said.

"See you later then." I said, but I couldnt help wonder how it would of felt to marry someone I was actually in love with.

15 minutes later.

As I was walking home thinking and not watching were I was going I ran into Max.

"Hey, baby!" he said

"Im not your baby were nothing." I said walking faster. He got imy way which stoped me almost running into him again.

"What are you in a bad mood today?"

"No Im just annoyed, I want to go home & sleep."

"Well then let me walk you home sweetcheecks." he said with a cocky smile.

" Ugh whatever."

"So what you up to?" he said.

I didn't want to tell him the thruth. I mean it was really none of his business. "Working you know im trying to pay my school. I spend half my time working or doing my homework. What about you?"

" Just hanging around the neighborhood to see if I could catch a glimpse of my beautiful girl."

"You know, why do you have to ruin a nice moment and get it right im not yours so I would apreciate if you stoped with that." As I was about to open the door Max grabed it.

"No goodbye hug?" *sigh* I gave him a hug, without expecting he kissed me. WTF!! I mean what a kiss but he shouldnt really be touching me. When he pulled away I didn't know what to say so I slapped him.

"What was that for? I know you liked it because you didn't pull away."

"For your info I didn't like it & don't ever do that again!" I screamed hoping it would wipe that smile from his face.

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