Chapter 7

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    I couldn't believe Luke saw Max kissing me. He was probably thinking I played with him even though he shouldnt care. Why did he react like that unless he didn't want people to see me kissing another guy. Ugh I had to find him and tell him I love him. He was the only person in my heart. ❤

I looked everywhere but I didn't find him. Then I remembered the place he said he would take me last maybe he was there. I asked around by the description Luke had given me. Apparently it was a remote romantic are where couples went to watch the stars and make out.

It wasn't hard to find. It was a forest and above you could see the beautiful night sky filled with shining bright stars. The moon was really bright tonight making it easier to see where I was going. I walked awhile by following the path until I saw Luke sitting at the dock staring at the sky.

"Go away Vianney, I want to be alone." he said in a harsh tone. He rarely called me Vianney he always called me V. He must be really upset. 😔 

"I need to talk to you, we need to sort things out."

"We don't have anything to talk about." he wasn't even looking at me.

"Please let me explain."

"Explain what?! That your seeing Max while your marring me!"

"I'm not with Max! He won't leave me alone and I don't know why your upset if our wedding is a fake!"

"Don't worry about it Vianney I know my own business, now please leave."

"I will worry about it because you have no right to get pissed." he finally turned around, he looked more upset and sad than angry like he was in pain. 

"Don't tell how to feel and since your not leaving I am." he got up and walked away from me.

"Luke wait! We're not done talking." I went after him. I was almost out the dock when I tripped and fell into the lake.

Everything happened so fast and the water was really cold. I couldn't see anything and I could feel it filling up my lungs. It was getting hard to breathe and my arm hurt really bad.

"Vianney!" I heard someone yell my name. They grabed me & were pulling me to shore. My lungs felt like they were ready to explode.

"Breathe don't let go I'm here for you."

Go where I was right here. Then I saw Luke he was whipping hair out of my face, holding me close.

"How do you feel?"

"Really cccc-ooo-llldd and ttii-rr-eed."

"Well lets get you all warmed up."

"Wait I need to tell you something important."

"Later now let's get you into some warm clothes."  he picked me up and we walked into a cabin I hadn't noticed before.

"Where are we?"

"In one of my cabins, now let's get those wet clothes off."

He helped me take off everything but my underwear and bra  and helped me get in the tub. The water was scorching hot but it felt good science I was frozen.

"I'll be back I'm gona go find you some clothes."

When he came back he helped me out. "I got it from here."

"Suit yourself, just be careful." I tried to stand but I couldn't cause I felt really week and my leg was bothering me.

"What's wrong?"

"My leg hurts I think it might be broken. "

I was still shivering and he still carried me to the bed.He layed me on it and threw blankets over me. I took the opportunity to change my bra and underwear to dry one under the covers.

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