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Marcus walked up to Lucky and I shifted my posture, in case things went down I knew exactly how to get a clean hit on his face.

"So Lucks' you got my stash?", Marcus asked poking Lucky in the chest.

I gave him a nigga punch his ass look.

Lucky glanced at me and folded his arms. "Nah man uh the bags got mixed up and tomorrow I will have yours"

Marcus chuckled loudly filling the whole room with echoes. His boys looked at him like he was insane. He was, well to me.

"I need that weed man so I'll wait til tomorrow and if its not ready by then, well you might as well leave this school".

Lucky gulped in his throat, his eyes went to me than his head hung low, I felt sick, is this really the friend I have, a weak cowardly 17 year old. The bad part was he was built to knock dudes out, his dad put him in Karate when he was 7 and he been trained, had a black belt and he beat up guys way bigger than Marcus before. What had him so shook, I couldn't figure out. I sighed stepping up.

" Look Marcus, back the fuck off my homie..."

All eyes layed on me

"What the hell you say big brother?!"

"Im saying you need to go and try to learn something instead of harassing my friend, yo ass suppose to graduated two years ago"

The room filled with laughs trying to stay in,Marcus shot his crew a look and they were dead silent, Lucky looked as if he was already dead, I just shook my head in stared at Marcus.

"Didnt I tell you at the store that we weren't finish anyway?!"

He yelled stepping in my face, I aint flinch nor speak, I stared him down waiting for a punch so I could rip his fucking head off.

"Well big brother....!!!" he yelled

"....time to end your ass"

I stepped up closer to him "Touch me Marc and your dead"

He laughed, causing his crew to laugh. "You kill me Jayden"

I sighed. "Fuck you"

Marcus quickly grabbed me by my shirt "Your lucky I'm dating your sister or you'd be dead".

He let me go in snapped his fingers.

'Let's go y'all"

I watched as they exited, Lucky was half way passing out, I shook my head.

"Man are you okay?"

"I'm good, sorry for over reacting but are you okay?"

"Yea just pissed"

"I'd be too man he dating your sister!"

I rubbed my face, "not if I could help it"

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