Part 7- Relationship goes wrong

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Due to the intensive trainings, I didn't spend much time at home because everytime there's a competition coming up , all of us MUST stay in the dormitory for 2 months to train. My life was full of shit without my handphone and my love, Marcus. I looked at the calendar and today is only 9th June.


After a few days,
It was a beautiful sunday morning until yep we have trainings on sundays too. I quickly got myself ready and went to the training venue.
Coach Fred said, "Well, team, I am proud of all of you as all of you diligently come for trainings everyday so ..... I'll let you guys slack off a bit today. But be sure to be back to the dorm by 8.00pm .

I was overjoyed to hear that .Like finally. A Break. I reach out to my pocket to take out my phone to call my boyfie. And i remembered oh my phone is with coach.

I went to him and said "Coach, can I have my phone back?" He sternly replied, "No. Not until the competition." I kneeled down and begged him. "PLEASE. COACH. PLEASE." "I SAID NO MEANS NO."he boomed angrily and hits my head. (He really hates it when people don't understand after he say it once) He then said, " Do you want to be the only one training here? Well, I can train you. " "No sir." I replied.

I went out of the training compound and took a taxi to the shopping complex. I really wanted to do shopping badly. I went on a shopping spree until I spot someone. Guess who?


I was glad to see him. I went to him and hug him. He pushed me away. I was very puzzled and asked him what's wrong?

He said with a rather pissed off look, " I heard from your dad about that day when you were eating lunch with me, you were suppose to be at training or something?"

I replied giving him a puppy look , " Sorryy Marc bae. Im sorry." (I forgot to mention that Marcus is a strict person and also a perfectionist. He is a person that always does his thing on time and expects everything to go well.)

Marcus looked and me and sighed, " Haiz.. I don't know what to do with you anymore. I asked you if there's anything on that day? And you said no. I can't believe that you actually lied to me. And why are you not answering your phone?"

"Ermm .... I ... M-My" I stuttered
"You better not lie to me."Marc replied.

"My phone is confisicated." I said avoiding his gaze.

"What ? You must have done something very bad to get your phone confisicated. I am dissapointed in you. " He said with a sad tone.

"No.. Marc. Im sorry. Im really sorry. I promise I wont be lying anymore." I said.

"Well, since you will be away for two months, I want you to think about how you should be better and trust me if you are still like that after two months, that's the end of us. I will not tolerate if my girlfriend has a bad attitude. " he said.

"Ok Marc. I love you." "Gotta go" I said softly.

" Bye. Take care. " He replied .

I went back to my dorm. Strangely , I do not have appetite today. His words "that will be the end of us" kept on recurring in my mind. During dinner, i totally zoned out . My coach hit me and I realised that I spilled soup on the table.

"Whats wrong with you?" Said coach Fred. "What the Fxxx you want to know?" I just spilled my soup and does that mean that i have something wrong going on with me?"I yelled.

Coach's face immediately turned red and ....

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