7) i wont apologise for being different

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Chapter title credit: feel by sleeping with sirens

Kellins P.O.V:

So It's Thursday today, the day before the big camping trip yay I can't wait I think I'm just about ready to shoot myself now. Jack, Justin, Nick and Gabe came round mine after school to help me pack and hang out for a bit.

We already finished packing it wasn't hard I only had to pack a weeks worth of skinny jeans and band shirts, swimming trunks which my mom insisted I bring just in case and a towel, toiletries, pyjamas, underwear etc. Now I'm just sat on my bed watching jack and Justin 1 v 1 each other. Honestly there's no competition Justin would easily win he practically lives off black ops.

"Kellin, Victor and Vivian are coming for dinner to discuss the trip, your friends can stay and eat too and I'm sure if it's okay with their parents they can stop over the night and maybe mike and vic can too. Like a boys night before we go" my mom said standing at my doorway, looking at my friends silently asking if they could stop or not. They all nodded but looked at me hesitantly because vic was going to be here too.

"Great. So we're having pizza for dinner and I'll call you all when it's ready" my mom informed, I nodded as she walked away.

"Dude we have to have a sleepover with Vic! Urgh I swear if he tries to hurt any of us I will not hesitate to kill him" Justin broke the silence after a couple of minutes of looking at each other. Just as Justin said that we heard the door bell, that must be mike and Vic. Everyone's heads turned to the bedroom door waiting for the inevitable as we heard footsteps coming up the stairs.

"Urgh" Vic made a sound of disgust as soon as he walked in the room; mike followed close behind who smiled and sat next to me. Vic went to the back wall furthest away from us and just leaned there, annoyance clearly shown on his face.

"And 'Urgh' to you too" Justin spat back, Justin is literally the only one of us who has the gusts to talk back to Vic at school, sure I talk back when I'm at my house but he can't hurt me at my own home, I swear he has an actual death wish.

Vic went to speak but stopped himself and just rolled his eyes, while glaring at Justin with a look that could kill a person. 

"Guys just try not to argue, we have to put up with each other for the whole night so at least try to make the most out of it" I said because if they argue all night I will go insane.

For the next few minutes everyone looked around at each other awkwardly waiting for someone to say something.
"So are we going to do something or are you all gong to be boring" Vic questioned.

"We could watch a movie or play a video game" i suggested. Everyone chose to watch a movie so i went downstairs to get some food while the others picked a movie. When i went downstairs the adults were all sitting around a table eating,laughing and drinking so i just dodged them before i got dragged into some boring adult conversation. I went into the kitchen and grabbed some sweets and other snacks along with a bowl of popcorn. As i was about to walk back i caught eye on some alcohol.
Worthless piece of shit can't even drink anymore
You can't even finish a glass without freaking out you baby
Go on try it at least you'll forget your worthless existence for a while
So i thought, why not? we are supposed to have fun so why not try drinking. I've got drunk before but only Justin knows plus I'd rather not remember those days.

~Vics P.O.V after Kellin left the room~

Mike came over to me at  the opposite side of the room to everyone else.

"Dude, you need to start being nice to Kellin otherwise its gonna be horrible when you have to share a tent" mike said. I know hes right but its hard, if i was nice to Kellin it would show tony and Jaime that I'm week. I'm their leader i have to show I'm strong, they wouldn't pick on him if i didn't because I'm the stronger one and i cant show weakness, that would be like letting them down. Then everyone would think that I'm some weak kid they can beat up and I'm never going back to that life. I looked at him wearily.

"Look Vic i know you hate showing weakness but just because you're nice to someone doesn't mean your weak, if anything it proves you're stronger because you aren't afraid to show the kind side of yourself. the side that you try to cover by acting tough. So please try, trust me your the strongest person i know i just wish you would be nice to more people" Mike lectured me and i knew he was right. This is why i love Mike, he always understands me and cares about me no matter what. Seriously i love the little shit.

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