Chapter 14

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Caitlyn's P.O.V

I look into his blue eyes to see if this is some sort of joke but only see the seriousness 

"I thought you would never ask" I say quietly as the corners of his mouth turn up into the cutest smile ever - so full of happiness, love and passion and at this moment I realise that I love the boy more than I expected. He comes closer before wrapping one of his strong arms around me and pulling me into him, closing the gap between our bodies as his other rests on my hip as he kisses my softly, my hand on the side of his neck as my thumb stays on his cheeks. We pull away and I smile before we kiss once more, this one more passionate than the other and a little bit more eager. 

I feel a drop of rain land on my forehead and look up to the night sky and feel another drop on my cheek - I look at Josh and smile before the rain starts to pour down. We don't move, just stand there looking into each others eyes before kissing once more - romantic I know. The rain becomes heavy and we decide to head home before we both get a cold, we walk in and into the living room to see everyone asleep on the sofa. Josh locks the door as I walk in quietly 

"Josh where are the pens? I'm going to get Dayl back for when he drew on my face the other week" I whisper and he laughs - either remembering the memory or laughing at the fact I'm going to get him back. 

You're all probably wondering what happen - basically, 3 weeks ago; Dayl, Josh, Ella, Mel, Dean, Bren and Sky were all sleeping at my house and I woke up with 'DAYL IS SEXY' written on my forehead. I wasn't happy.. So I put flour in his hair dryer and sometimes he still comes downstairs with white in his hair.. Josh gets me a marker pen out of the draw and I go up to Dayl before bending down slightly before writing 'CAITLYN IS THE BEST' on his forehead on on his cheek 'Payback is a bitch'.. 

He starts to stir in his sleep so me and Josh run out and up stairs before going into the spare room and changing into our pajamas - don't worry, we wasn't watching each other. I climb into the bed, wrapping the covers up to my chin and then Josh gets in next to me, he puts his arm around my shoulders as I rest my head on his bare chest.

"Good night Yoshi" I say

"Good night Cait" he says before we both fall into a deep sleep.

I wake up the next morning to hear Dayl screaming from his room

"CAITLYN!" He says barging in and waking both me and Josh up fully as I laugh at the sight remember that I drew on his face last night 

"Don't mess with me bitch" I say in a slime voice - I've spent far too much time with Dayl. He looks at me with puppy eyes and I sigh before getting out of bed and grabbing one of my makeup wipes and walking over to him to get it off - due to the wipes having alcohol in, it will come straight off. He sits down on the end of the bed while I rub it off and then I sigh

"Can I go back to sleep?" I ask once it's all off

"Yeah, but Josh! We have a cover to film today" he shouts before running out.

"I don't know why I have all of you as best friends.." I say as I get back into bed next to Josh

"I don't know about them but you know you love me" Josh laughs as my cheeks turn a light shade of pink 

"Yeah" I say trying to be sarcastic.


Does Josh know that Caitlyn loves him? Or was he just saying that because he was joking? I wasn't going to update tonight because I'm stressed out. However, over the course of these 3 days - I have been noticed by HomeTown 3 times! 

I met them on the 15th April 2016 when I came from Mullingar to see 'The Vamps' in Sheffield. I did see them in Dublin but because Conor Maynard wasn't there I decided to head over to the UK to see them again.

They liked a tweet on the 25th April 2016 - I tweet them about random things and they just see them.. (Thank you Dayl)

The followed me on the 31st May 2016 - Dayl was doing a follow/DM spree and I got lucky.

They liked another tweet on the 5th June 2016 when I tweeted them about being close to 30k views on the TMNT video and almost having 40k subscribers on their VEVO YouTube Channel. 

Dayl tweeted me back on the 7th saying 'I sure do' after I tweeted asking him if he could remember a photo (IF YOU HAVE SEEN THE TWEET WHERE HE SAYS THIS PLEASE FOLLOW ME!)

Dayl liked my tweet on his personal account on the 8th June 2016 because I tweeted him and Cian an old video of them both.

Which leaves today.. They liked my tweet on the 9th June 2016 because I tweeted them while I was in my music class because I am learning how to play 'Where I Belong' on the guitar (I NEED RYAN TO TEACH ME!)

Let me just say - I have been in the best mood for the past 2-3 months because of them noticing me.. hometown1d put an idea in my head about Josh being the one who liked the tweets I don't know who did but I always think it's Dayl because he is more active than anybody else.. Anyway, I have 8 exams over the next 2 weeks and then I am done. So I will be revising a lot (although this is my revision for my English Literature Exam) so I'm not sure if I will be updating much over the next 2 weeks but we shall see. Sorry for the long A/N, please vote, comment and share. It will mean a lot to me and THANK YOU FOR THE 498 VIEWS IN SUCH A SHORT PERIOD OF TIME! 

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