PringlexShima (Shingle)

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This story will be in Shima's POV. You're welcome.

It was a typical day at the P.D studio. Dolan was working on a Super Planet Dolan script, along with Melissa. Ok, I like when there's a guest star, but Melissa's been doing it A LOT lately. I couldn't help but glare at her for a second.

Anyway, Hellbent was showing this guy Nixxom around. Nixxom is going to be a guest narrator, or possibly a new permanent narrator for Planet Dolan. I didn't have anything to work on, so I decided to just walk around. Hopefully, someone will join me so I wouldn't be alone.

Then, out of nowhere, Pringle jumped in front of me. "Wazzup, Shima?" He asked loudly. I fell onto the ground, startled.

"Oh... Hey Pringle," I said, "could you help me up?" He obliged, and reached his yellow hand out. I've never noticed before, but Pringle's fingers kind of hovered near his hand, instead of being attached. It was interesting. He lifted me up. "Thanks, dude," I said.

"No prob Bob. So, do you think Sonic or Mario would win in a fight? Because I believe with Sonic's rad speed, he'd take the plumma down! It would be flippin' cool to see them brawl and......" Pringle rambled on, and on, and on! I liked Pringle, but I couldn't stand the fact that he talked too much. He continued to talk about randomness.

"Blah blah blah blah blah," Pringle continued. I didn't focus on what he was saying. I decided to start walking away. But once I was almost down the hall, Pringle stopped talking and turned to me. "Shima, you don't like the topic?" He innocently asked. I turned my head, and saw he was truly upset. I could've just told him to slow down, but I didn't. I felt guilty. I walked back over to him.

"Pringle, I'm sorry I began to walk off. I don't mean to sound rude, but you just kinda talk too much," I mumbled. He smiled a little.

"It's okay. Maybe I should slow it down." He stared at me for a moment, and then spoke again. " wanna talk about something?" Pringle asked. I thought about it. 'I don't wanna be a hypocrite,' I thought. Just then, near the S.P.D studio, I could hear Dolan and Melissa laughing whenever they fudged up a line. That was what Dolan and I did.

"I feel like Melissa's taking my job," I said allowed through gritted teeth. Pringle's eyes widened, but he didn't say anything. 'He's trying to let me go on,' I thought. So I did. "Melissa's 'guest starred' on S.P.D like, 4....maybe 5 times already. I like having guest stars, but guest starring is usually a once in a while kind of thing. I mean, Hellbent and Critical guest starred only once!" I paused to see if Pringle would say anything to respond.

"Keep going," is all he said.

"I just..... well, I helped Dolan write the script. I was on the show since the beginning. Melissa joined the crew after S.P.D started. Maybe I'm just over-thinking it, but I feel like Melissa might be taking my job." I finished. I paused for a few minutes to show Pringle I was done. He then began to speak.

"Don't worry. Nobody could take your place on the show foreva. You're reaaaaally smart, and the original female lead. But if your craaaaaaaazy theory is correct, I'll talk to Dolan about it," Pringle said. I didn't know what to say. Pringle somehow got me to calm down. I thought about what he had said. Knowing he would stick up for me if I lost my job, made me blush.
Pringle then looked at his watch. "Woah, I gotta go! I need to check on Pringle Chips Weekly  magazine! See ya later, Shima." He began to run off.

"Pringle, wait!" I called out, running after him. "Thank you, for the reassuring words. You're reaaaaally nice, y'know that?" He began to blush.

"No problem. Now I gotta-" I cut him off. I don't know what I was doing until it was over. I don't think he knew either. I......I...kissed him. On the lips. We just stood there when it ended. I was still. Pringle looked shocked. Before I could fully process what the hell I just did, Pringle leaned over and kissed me this time! I didn't stop him. We eventually had to stop and get some air.

"," is all I could say. Pringle couldn't say anything. He began to smile, and laugh. I started laughing too. "What the hell?" I jokingly said between laughs.

"I don't know!" Pringle replied, "so, wanna........ hang out later?" He asked. I smiled big, and nodded. Pringle then went on his way. After what just happened, I don't mind about Melissa doing S.P.D anymore. She may be laughing with a Dolan about script fudge ups, but I have a reliable Pringle chip that just made me happier than all of the script fudge ups in the world.

This story was requested by   MayaRose596  and it was an interesting idea. I've never heard of shipping Pringle and Shima before, so, it's nice seeing someone with an unusual concept. Not that ships like Hellma and D.M.B and Pringle aren't awesome either. Hope you liked it!

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