S.P.D/ Episode by me?!

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So, remember that post I made a few days ago about what a S.P.D intro would be like if Melissa and Shima did a video together? Well, I showed it to my Sister, who is also a big fan of Planet Dolan, and we had a crazy idea!

What if we did our own story thing with them answering the questions, but it was mixed in like a story format? Y'know, with things happening besides answering the questions. (Not like the little cute jokes that they do in between some questions, although I love those :) ) I mean like a story plot.

My sister and I came up with a theme for the questions: 10 facts about Ancient Egypt. But, it would be more fitting if YOU guys asked questions about it! That way this story could fit more into what a real video is like.

If you guys think this is a terrible idea and that I'm stupid for even considering it, tell me that in the comments! But if you like the idea, and have a question about Egypt, leave that in the comment box!


Update (Oct. 1st, 2k16) : We can't really do this story without more questions. We could make the rest up, but I want it to be like a real SPD episode. So if you want to, ask any questions you have about Egypt :)

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