Chapter 1: 'The temple'

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Nya's POV

We've been walking in the jungle for hours! I feel like my feet are burning.
Everything is awful here!

Jay and Cole can't stop teasing each other, Zane and Lloyd are in the front leading the way, that's why they are busy... and Kai is just acting so childish! And the place is full of insects. Yikes.

I know what you're thinking, the elemental master of water and the fearsome Samurai X... afraid of insects...
I'm just like all other girls, okay!

"I still don't know why are we walking all this distance .. what are we even doing in a jungle?!" my silly brother said.

Since the others weren't even listening, i decided to reply.
"We're here 'cause Pixal found an unbalanced energy source on her radar so  we're going to check it out."

Suddenly, the group stopped. "We're here." Zane said.

We all walked a few steps to see a big statue in a mountain. Under its legs was a big hole, an entrance of a cave.

Zane hurried into that strang cave and we followed. 
It's dark...
But we were all able to see something shining in the dark.

"This place is big, way big." Kai said
"Pixal says this is the source." Zane said while pointing to a shining red ball.

"Are we gonna take this thing with us?" Jay asked.
"Definitly not, Jay!" i heared Cole reply as fast as he could. "It will possibly explode!"

Jay roared and was about to open his mouth to insult Cole, but Lloyd stopped him. "Guys cut it out! We're a team, and now we have a mission, concentrate!"

"Yeah, you can fight as much as you want back home." Added Kai.

I sighed and walked Zane "What is this thing?" i asked.

As i said these words, the place started shaking.

"I didn't do it!" Kai yelled.
"Let's just get out of here!" Lloyd ordered.

"We can't, we have to destroy this thing! " Zane shouted, then he started freezing the red ball.

We all ran out the cave, but Zane stayed.
"Zane, leave it!" Jay shouted.
"You'll kill yourself!" Added Cole.
"It's too dangerous to leave it!" Zane replied.
"And it's too dangerous to even go near! Zane get-"
Before i was able to continue, the place started to fall down.

Dust covered the place, we couldn't see Zane. We were all so worried.

Then we saw two blue circles shining in this dust.

"Zane, is that you?"

It took him a while but he finally replied.
"Yes, it's me. I'm your friend, Zane."

We saw him coming, and he had this strange smirk on his face.

Is that really Zane?
The smirk doesn't even fit on his face..
There's something diffrent in him, i just can't put my finger it.

Then i heard Jay saying: "Let's just go home, i'm tired..".

We summoned our dragons and started to fly to the bounty.

"Wait, why didn't we use our dragons instead of walking 2 hours in a jungle to reach this place?"

Kai asked.
We all locked at each other, then laughed.

But while looking to Zane, i saw something in his eyes.
Something red inside his blue eyes.
Something evil.
Something that looked like a fire within his ice.

I feel i ruined it.
Anyway, next chapter will be better.
I'm a slow writer so don't rush me alot.
See you later everyone, love you all♡. Bye.


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