Chapter 11: 'Stop it!'

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This chapter is usless, why did i write it? *facepalm*

3rd person P.O.V.

The fight inside the poor nindroid's head has been going for so long.

His eyes were switching between red and blue every few seconds.

Everything happening in his mind was spoke out loud.

"No! Stop it! I'm not gonna be your body anymore! You're using me to hurt my friends! Stop!"

"You Stop! You can't defy me! I'm in your mind and whole body. You can't stop me, so stop waiting your powers."

"Get out of my head!" Zane held his head with both his hand, and gripped on it so hard that it made scraching sounds.

"Stop it you tin can, you're hurting yourself and mine with you!
I said: Stop it now!"

Whatever this evil demon was doing to him, it must have really hurt, because he let out a long scream, and another one, and then fell on his knees.

Seconded passed, then he stood again on his feet.

His glowing eyes turned red.

Darkflame took control.
She smirked, and with her usual evil tone she spoke. "That's better. You won't bother me again for the time being."

Cole's P.O.V.

We heared heavy footsteps heading towards the room's exit.


"She's coming!" Lloyd whispered.

Where should we go? Come on, Cole, think fast!

"Guys come here!" I said, using my powers to open a little hideout room in the wall next to us.

We entered, then i closed it quickly.

Good thing this whole place is dug underground.

We listened as the footsteps became lighter, until it faded away.

I re-opened our way out this dark room and got out, followed by the others.

"What did we just hear?" Nya questioned.

"Zane was fighting.. fighting Darkflame." Eclipse answered

"Because he's tortured by her!" I said angrily.

"But that means Darkflame is loosing control." Added Mia

"That would give us advantage in our next fight with her!" Declared Eclipse.

"I think we're finally ready to take her down!" Spoke an exited Jay.

"How? We don't have a plan or anything." Neko asked.

"We don't need any plans. We'll go directly to wherever Darkflame is and fight her and take her down!" I said.

I hope i didn't sound rude.

"Maybe you're right. Maybe the only way to win is to fight her head-on and finish her once and for all!" Lloyd spoke.

"Then what are we waiting for? We have a villan to take down!" I said.

"Let's go!"

(it was about time i do that.. i'm gonna ruin it anyway)

Zane's P.O.V.

I-it' so dark in here.
I feel like she kicked me out my own system, again.

Like i lost touch with my body.

She's draining all my powers and informations!

Sh-she's hurting my friends!

She's hurting me..

I feel so week a-and...

I can't even figure out how i'm feeling now.

I wish i can take control, but it's like her spirit is floating in every single part of my body.

The worst part is that i am the one who did all of this.

I am the one who destroyed her prison.
I am the one whom she's possessing.
I am the one whom she's searching threw his database and taking all infos she needs.
I am the one who is failing to stop her from using me.
I am the one stuck in this dark with no escape.

I am the titanium ninja who's failing to protect Ninjago.

But sometimes, even if it's for a few minutes, i can read her mind.
Sometimes, i can have touch with my body.
Sometimes, i can take control.
And maybe onetime, i could stop what she's planning.
Maybe, i could help my friends.

If you believed in something strong enough, it could become reality.


My greatest fear is that fake message Darkflame sent to the ninja...


Dun dun dun!!
Fake message, huh?

Why do i make such clifhangers?

I'm one of the villans in Ninjago >:) .
I'm the master of cliffhangers!

Zane's P.O.V. turned out way so usless..

See ya in next chapter! I don't know when i'll finish..


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