Chapter 8: 'the message' (short chapter -_-)

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Ooo wailing stone.. i tried so hard to fly ... *listening in a one-ear spy-like headphone*
Wait what? That is not Steven Universe? Oh sure...
Okay guys, let's start that chapter!

(I think i need help to stop putting my lame jokes everywhere)

Kai's P.O.V.

I can't believe I got beaten by those monsters!!!

I fought serpentine, stone warriors, nindroids, anacondrai, ghosts, and skypirates, but i coudn't defeat some weak flying creatures!

This is so embarrassing!

I'm the worst ninja to ever exist.

I'm trapped in a hole, A HOLE !!!

More like a prison room dug underground and covered with a rock, but who cares!
I'm trapped, and i can't find any exit!


Meanwhile in the forest with the team

3rd person P.O.V. (that means no one's P.O.V)

"They're at Darkflame's tomb." Spoke a hologram of Pixal, and it's source was surely none but Zane's old friend, the falcon.

"Pixal!" The four remaining ninja shouted at the same time.

Jay started sillily waving his hand through the holo and letting out some giggles, only to be hit on the head by Cole.
"Grow up" he snapped.

"You have to go and stop her now!" Pixal continued. "Darkflame will bring down a realm after another, she won't rest until she destroyes everything."

"But how can we stop her?" Asked the green ninja.

"Shut Zane down, and she won't be able to do nothing, then curse her again into her prison"

"Easy to say, huh?" Said Jay.

"Me and Zane will try slowing her down for you to do what you should do, but that's all we can do, so good bye, ninja."

And by that the holgram faded, and the falcon flew away.

"Seriously? Come back here!" yelled Jay

"So we just shut her down?" Nya asked.

"Don't forget we have a big army of earth demons to defeat before we can get close to her" Eclipse told Nya.

"Guys don't be so negative." said Mia.

"We will stop Darkflame, and we will save Zane." Lloyd tried to encourage the rest of his team.

"And Kai." Eclipse added.

"So confident, Mr. Greeny." Cole mocked, making Neko giggle.

"Greeny?" Lloyd asked with a smile

"I'm gonna call you that from now on." Mia declared, as a deep remarkable blush appeared on her crush's cheeks, making her blush too.

Looks like Mia is regreting those words that came out from her mouth.

"They're such a cute couple!" Teased Nya.

"C-couple? W-we're n-n-not a couple!"

"Look, Lloyd. Me and Nya are love experts, and we know when we see a couple." Jay started.

With those words Lloyd and Mia both started blushing so heavily that there cheeks were a deep remarkable red color.

"You two are the cutest couple ever!" Nya added.

"L-let's just get over this couples thing. We have to stop Darkflame, remember?" Mia tried to change the subject.

"You should have told us sooner you were something!" Cole said.

"I ship these two so hard" Neko added, fangirling a bit.

"I said: WE HAVE TO STOP DARKFLAME!!" Yelled Mia.

"Why so angry, sis?" Eclipse teased, with a smirk. "The only thing we said was that you and your boyfriend are cute together."

Mia shoot death glares at her sister. "You guys wanna have a bad time?"

Everyone decided to keep their mouths shut to avoide the trouble.

"That's what i thought .."

"What's wrong, Neko?" Cole asked.
"Shouldn't we be saving Kai and Zane now?"
"So how will we save them? Darkflame's tomb will probably be surrounded by hundreds of earth demons!"

"We'll defeat every single demon in her army until we reach her and save our friends!" Said a sounding angry Cole.

"We won't be able to fight a whole army." Declared Mr.greeny (i don't believe i actually used this..)

"Maybe instead of fighting all of them, we can sneak in and give Darkflame a little surprise.."

Sorry it was short but i wanted to give you a little thing before i'm gone again.
And sorry i didn't bring back someone to fight with the others, i don't know what happened.

If someone can give me tips to improve my 3rd person P.O.V, i would really appreciate it.

Last thing:
I did the most stupid thing in my life and entered the Wattys2016 with this fanfic that have no chance to win.

Finally vote !!
Love all of you peeps♡ bye for now.


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