Chapter 2: 'Who? Why? Where?'

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Jay's POV

We've finally returned to Destiny's bounty.

We told Sensei Wu what happened and went to do our stuff, you know.

I saw Nya standing there.

She looked like she was thinking about something, something really important.

She better not be thinking about Cole .. Nya is my girlfriend! Cole is supposed to be forever alone!

Calm down, Jay. She got over him and you know it.

I went to talk to her.

"Hey, Nya! You.. look worried, what are you thinkin' 'bout?"

She shook her head and replied.

"Oh, hi Jay! I .. i'm just .. uh, well. You know after today's mission, I kinda feel like Zane is just acting .. strange.. since we returned."

"You know Zane, he's always acting strange." i told her, laughing.

"No, not that .." she said. "He's acting in a diffrent way than usual."

She sighed.

"I don't know but he keeps giving me these looks, and... Maybe i'm just a silly girl having silly thoughts.."

Am i making her feel bad? Ugh Jay, you're so stupid!

"You're not silly! You're the awesomest girl in this world!"

I fastly say, making her blush..

"You know what? I'll go check him for you."

"Thanks Jay." she said, then kissed me on my cheek. SHE KISSED ME ON MY CKEEK !! Take that Cole!

I went over to Zane, he was calculating something on a blue screen in front of him.

When i approched him, he closed the screen and raised his head to look me in the eyes.

For no reason, he was glaring at me ..
Zane never glared at me!
Even when i do stupid things..

"What do you want?" He asked in a snappy voice.

"Hey Zane, i was around and wanted to know, uh .. how you doing?"

Good excuse, Jay!

"I'm fine." He said.

"Now if you may stop annoying me with your stupidity, i have important things to do."

He's annoyed by me, but why?

And why is he calling me stupid?!

I felt imbarassed, so i just walked away and left him.

Nya came to me and asked "So?"

I looked at her in confusion. "You was right, Zane is acting diffrent. He's so mean!"
"But Why?"
"Should we tell Sensei?" I suggested. "He might be able to explain it.."
"Good idea, let's go."

We both walked down to talk to sensei, i sighed and looked behind me to see that out nindroid friend is not there.

"Nya, i think Zane just disappeared.." I told her
"Nindroids can't simply disappear."
"Well he's not there!"

Wow, this chapter came out faster than i thought, even if it took me the hole day.

Zane should learn to talk more nicely to people.

I was having a question in mind .. when someone read and don't vote, that means they don't like it.

Why do people who don't vote add this to their reading lists?

Seriously guys, vote!

Don't leave me like this i need to know if you like it or not!

Love you all♡ and bye!


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