Chapter 6: 'triplets: part 1'

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Me: *grabs a hammer * don't worry, i'm not turning into Miley Cyrus.


Lloyd's P.O.V.

Running through the forest, dodging the trees, and of course the lava beign thrown at us.

Besides that, i was pulling Mia by her hand 'cause everytime i leave her, she turns around to fight these things!

You know, i actually like this...

No mind! I'm just holding her hand until we reach a safe spot, right?

I just don't want her to hurt herself!

It's not like we're in any kind of relationships or anything, we don't even like each other, do we?

Well our fingers are kinda interwined and.. Ahhh, i've already got this out of my mind!

Come on Lloyd, concentrate! A team's leader can't be distracted!

I was pulled out of my thoughts by Cole running towards the demons, shoving all of us to the side.
"That's enough running away!"

He then hit the earth with both his hands, making the empty part between us and the demons filled with rocks and dust.

It's like an earthquake hit this one and only part of Earth. Even if we're not living on Earth.. wait, what?

"Guys, over here!" Jay yelled as he motioned for us to follow him.

He led us to an area clear of bushes, but the sky was still covered with tree branches from our surrounding.

"The perfect place for hiding." Nya declared

"Pffft, hiding is boring. Why hide when you can fight!" Mia said, as she clenched a fist and hit it hard to the nearest tree.

Wow, she's strong! It's not like i can't do it but you know, she's a

Nya will kill me if she heared that..

"Yeah, Mia is right!" Added Cole. "Running is for cowards!"

"Well if we stayed there, we would have been toasted!" Kai shouted.

"You would have been toasted, you're the useless one now, remember?" Mia replied, making Kai angrier.

"'I'M NOT USELESS!!" Yelled the very angry red ninja.

"Sure, that's why the only way for you to fight, ehm fire, is no use agaisnt these demons."

Kai let out a loud shout, loud enough for the birds in the trees to flee.

His hands were soon both on fire, and he was ready to shoot at Mia.

"Calm down bro, she's not worth it." Nya told him, then turned her gase towards Mia. "And you don't dare to mess with my brother!"

"Sure thing, water gal."

... should i stop them or something?

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