Chapter 7 'triplets: part 2"

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Cole's P.O.V.

Me and Jay were running from the demons army, and Darkflame was with them.

This time we're not escaping like cowards, we're leading them into our trap!

I looked at Jay and he nodded, it's my turn now.

I threw a few stones at Darkflame and her army, just to slow them down. Then, as they weren't looking, me and Jay jumped into the trees.

When the demons were back, they coudn't find us.

Hehe, guess hiding is not a bad thing. After all, we're ninja!

Darkflame shoved the demons and came in front of them.
"Where did they go?!" She shouted.

Darkflame started to take slow steps forwards, and then she saw the big "X" on the ground, and stepped back.

Oh, she thinks she's gonna avoid the trap!

Just then a cage fell from the trees and imprisonned her, also a big net fell on the army behind her.

"They're so dumb." i whispered.
"Or maybe, we're so smart." Jay grinned as he said it.
"Nah i'm sure they are dumb." i replyed.

Mia and the others came down from the trees, and so did we.

Our prisoner looked up to see cages hanging all around the "X".

Well i have to admit, Mia may be bothering all the time, but she's smart, and we do need her help.

"Clever girl." said Darkflame. "How did you get only one cage to fall?"
"In a forest?"
"Don't question me, just love me."

"Whatever you say, anyway, i'm getting out of here!" Darkflame held the cages with both her hands, and it all turned on fire..

We should have expected that..

Me and the others took a few steps back.

"Take good care of them, i have other things to do." Darkflame said as she headed back.

Before we could even try and follow her, the army charged at us.

We took our fighting positions and formed the teams.

Well the plan wasn't only a little trap, we also made teams of 2 for the fight.

The girls told us we need to destroy the purple stone on the monsters' chests.

Me and Jay: i hit the stone with using my super strength, a few punches will do it, and Jay will shoke them with lightning to knock them out maybe.

Lloyd and Mia: Mia will hit the stone with her fist, 'cause she's strong after centuries of training or something like that, while Lloyd uses his energy to get rid of them

Nya and Neko: Neko will do this illusion thing she told us about and then knock them out, and Nya can use a direct hit of her water to break the stone.

Kai and Eclipse: Eclipse uh.. transformed into her .. wolf form, yeah that's strange, it's just we're not used to talking wolves fighting alongside us, and will use her sharp teeth to break the stone. And if Kai would be able, but we all know he won't be, he can try and knock the demons out, but i'm sure Eclipse will have to do all the job.

The fight started, and till now everything is going well.

Me and Jay are working together, we're really a good team.

We do tease each other sometimes, but at the end we're still the best of friends.

Mia was right, these things get easily beaten, though their lava balls are deadly.

That's why we're teams of 2, to protect each other!

Here's one, and another one, and a third one. How long will we be destroying these things? I'm really tired, but their number is infinite.

Oh my god, my fists has really started to hurt from all this stone breaking. I think we're about to finish all of them.

Then suddenly, i heared someone shouting.

"Guys, i need some help!" It was from Eclipse, there were strange creatures attacking her.

"What the hell are those?!" I shouted, as me and Jay knocked out the last 2 demons around us.

Small purple winged creatures with purple balls on their chests were attacking Eclipse and Kai, with lava as usual.

"Probably Darkflame just made those.. called lava minions" Mia explained.

We started shooting those minions, but since they were flying, it was hard to target their stones.

Nya tried to crack the stones with her water and we were trying to slow them down.

"Ahhhh!" someone was screaming "Nyaaaa!"
"Kai!" Eclipse shouted
"They got Kai!" Nya yelled

They are flying away with Kai!! When did that happen?!

"After them!" Lloyd ordered.

We tried to catch with them but they were too fast for us, and soon, they flew far away and faded in the sky.

The last thing we heared was Kai's shouts for help. Until Nya started crying.

I looked at her, and she was softly sobbing in Jay's arms, while he was passing his hand threw her hair.

"Don't worry Nya, everything is gonna be alright." Jay tried to comfort her.

"No it won't, they took my brother! He's the only one i've ever had, he was always there for me and, and ... i could have saved him! I could have used my water .. i, i.."

"Nya, don't blame yourself." i told her.

"We all care about Kai, no need to cry." Eclipse said

I have to say that she's a bit over-reacting by crying like this, but Kai have been taking care of her since a very long time ago when their parents died, but still i don't get why she's crying.

Who am i to judge anyway.

"I don't think Darkflame want anything to do with your brother.."
Mia told her .
"I don't know why they took him, but i'm sure she's not hurting him in any way."

Is she trying to comfort her, or is she just stating the truth?

"Don't worry Nya, we're getting Kai back, we're getting Zane back, and we're gonna defeat Darkflame" Lloyd declared.

"Isn't it right guys?" He asked us.
"Of course it is." Neko replied.

"We just need to find out where they are.." he continued.

Then, out of nowhere, a familiar voice spoke. "They're at Darkflames tomb."

We looked around to see the one and only ...


I'm so sorry i had to end it on a cliffhanger. I wasn't planning on it, i just got the idea now. Please don't kill me!!

Most of this chapter was garbage, i'm sorry. I'm just not the best in describing fighting scenes.

I wanna know who you think is gonna be the retuning guy/gal, comment your thoughts.

Enough useless talking, i need to go sleep. It's 12:30 am peeps!

Lovd you all ♡ Byeeeeee


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