Chapter 9: 'It's a trap!'

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Okay, here we go.
Le chapter:

Jay's P.O.V.

"Maybe instead of fighting all of them, we can sneak in and give Darkflame a little surprise..." said Nya.

"What do you mean?" Asked Eclipse.

"I mean.. instead of dashing threw a whole army, we sneak on Darkflame and end her where she stands!" Nya explained, as she hit her fist in the palm of her other hand.

"And Darkflame won't know what hit her!" Cole added

Meanwhile at Darkflame's tomb

3rd person P.O.V.

Kai was sleeping.

He've fell in a deep sleep hours ago. Shooting fire everywhere does drain oneself's energy.

Suddenly, the puny rock blocking the only way for Kai's escape started moving, making the master of fire open his eyes as he heared the noise.

Then three minions came and carried their prisoner to the surface, and threw him at Darkflame's feet.

"Hello there, Kai." She said

The boy got up, as angry as always, and punched Darkflame,
who failed to stand still, and fell a step back.

While 4 demons came to hold Kai back, she regained balance, then a smirk stretched on her lips, and the her red evil eyes glowed brighter.

"I never wanted to hurt you, kid. But, if i got it right.. you're the master of fire."

Kai roared ar her.

But then her hands cought fire, as she slowly said.

"Well let's see how good are you at deeling with fire."

An hours later

Jay's P.O.V.

And here we are, hiding in the few bushes left around Darkflame's tomb, waiting for the best moment to strike.

"Jay! Your leg is right in my face!! And i need to say it doesn't smell good!" Cole wisper-yelled

"Why didn't you go in another bush?"
"There were no other bushes!  They were all taken!"
"Well it's your fault. You should have stopped chatting with Neko all the way and took yourself a bush!"
"Shut up, Jay."

It's not my fault he was distracted when we hid!

And why is everyone suddenly getting girlfriends?

Lloyd and Mia ... Cole and Neko ... the only two left are Kai and Eclipse, why haven't they become a couple yet?

Anyway, i need to concentrate. The explosions will start soon.


All demons are running to the other side.
Good job you did, Lloyd and Mia.

"Let's go!" Cole said.
We got out of the bush, and entered the tomb.
Lloyd and Mia did a great job luring these monsters away.

The only thing here was the broken glass ball on a stone stand...

And a hole in the other side of the cave.
That must be where Lloyd and Mia attacked.

Speaking of witch, the girls should be sneaking in from the other side.

"Why are you staring at nothing?" Nya asked from behind me, making me turn around.

She was standing with Eclipse and Neko.

"Searching for you!"
"And for Darkflame and Kai." Cole added.

"Follow me."
We all followed Eclipse, as she ran towards the stone stand.

"Now help me move this thing."
"It would be my pleasure" Cole said, as he used his super strength to move it aside, and impress Neko of course.

There was a small hole in the ground, Eclipse went down, then Neko.

We gave each other confusion looks, but we finally decided to go down.

We're going down... a slide? It's dark, i can't see the others.

I landed on a solid ground, safe and sound.

It's still dark.

"Cole? Nya? Where are you guys?"
Then i felt a tap on my left shoulder.

Nya! What a relief!
She motioned for me to follow her, so i did.

I don't know where we went, but we're in a way bigger room, it had a huge lava pit, and a hallway that we decided to go in.

This hallway is creepy.
It's so silent.

Where is Darkflame?
Why haven't we met any earth demons or minions yet?

"Kai!" Nya and Eclipse screamed in one voice.

They found Kai! He's laying on the ground and ... trapped in a cell?

They have prisons here?
Okay.. this is something i didn't expect.

We're running his direction.

FIRE!! No, it's Lava!
What the ...
They cought me!

Ahh! My head!

It's all turning blurry..

They threw me somewhere.

Someone is approaching.
My eyes are closing. No! Keep 'em open, Jay!


I only heared one thing she said, but i can't keep up. I'm blacking out!

"Put them all with their friends."


I'm sorry!
It's short, i know...
I'm late, as usual...
And cliffhanger, yeah..

Yes, that's why I'm sorry.


Next update in................  sooner than you think it could be.

Maybe a week? As soon as i get Internet again >:(((  :''''(

See you soon all my lovely and beautiful readers. ♡ ^_^


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