Chapter 1 ~ The Stash

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I guess living with your parents isn't the ideal thing to do after college, but whatever. College was great and I've made a lot of memories. Some of which being working on my fanfic while I try to block out the sound of my roommate slurping on his girlfriend. 

But whatever! I honestly had a great learning experience but I'm happy to be home. Home to my stash! 

The stash is what I call my collection of Blaine Anderson merch. I took some of it to college with me, but I'd need an extra closet if I wanted to bring all of it. I have dozens of posters in every size, a whole wardrobe of Blaine shirts and sweatshirts, every album he's ever recorded or been featured on (and most of his songs' solo albums), and not to mention all of the other mugs, stuffed animals, wristbands, stickers, and greeting cards. That's right, I have Blaine Anderson greeting cards for every occasion. 

I'm probably not the only person obsessed with him, but I can say for a fact I'm one of the only boys. My brother, Finn, sometimes makes fun of me and calls me a fanboy, but whatever. When I was in high school I was an honorary girl. 

Anyway, I've never been to one of his concerts or seen him live, but that's all about to change. I grabbed my phone (with a Blaine Anderson case) and dialed up my best friend, Mercedes. We were friends in high school and have been ever since. "MERCEDES! OMFG I LITERALLY CANNOT BREEAAATTH RIGHT NOW!"

"Woah, slow down Hummel. What's up?"


"Los Angeles?"


I heard a squeal coming through the speaker. "Hold on, be right back."

I pursed my lips and opened up my Mac. I was taking part in four different room chats, which were all freaking out that Blaine Anderson was coming somewhere near their state or country. Jokes on you, he's coming right to my front door! 

I re-opened the website where the dates and ticket information were posted and clicked on Ohio. The price range was $100 - $1000, and I knew I was NOT going to sit in the cheap seats. My mouse hovered over all the options, and then I saw a gold star at the bottom of the screen. The pop-up read, "five VIP passes per stop! Get backstage access! Front row seats! 

"Kurt? You still there? Okay, so my agent just booked me a flight over to Ohio about a week before he comes. And, he's working on getting us third row seats at the moment."

I smile and nod like she can see me, but what I really want are those VIP passes. "Hey, M? Do you think you could try and get us VIP passes? Or at least me? I'd pay you back..."

Mercedes laughed into the phone and then yelled something to her agent. "I can try and work that out. And, you don't have to pay me back. You've already payed me back enough by sticking up for me and being my friend all these years."

"OMG! Thank you so so so so so so much! I have to tell my parents. Hold on - don't hang up."

I dropped the phone on my bed and heard Mercedes laughing through the speakers as I dashed up the stairs. "Dad dad dad dad dad!" I yelled. 

Carole was cooking dinner, but dad was nowhere to be seen. I wanted to break the news to him first, but I guess he was at the tire shop. I loved Carole almost as much now, though. And she was a low-key Blaine Anderson fan as well. 

"Oh. My. God. Mom. Guess what?"

She stopped stirring and looked at me with her serious face. "What? Are you hurt? Did you win the lottery? what happened?!"

I squealed and jumped up and down. "There's a better-than-good chance that I might be getting VIP passes to Blaine Anderson's concert in Ohio!!"

Carole almost dropped the bowl but set it down and ran over to me. "REALLY? THAT'S CRAZY, HONEY!"

We jumped up and down like two little girls for a second. "Hold on, I have to go make sure Mercedes didn't hang up on me."

I raced back downstairs, only exerting some of the extensive amount of energy built up inside me. I flopped down at my bed and stared up at the collage of Blaine Anderson posters on my ceiling. "M? You still there?" 

I heard static coming from the other end but she picked up. "Good news. My manager was able to get you one VIP pass, but they were sold out and he had to pay extra to get that one. He feels bad taking any others away from the people who bought them within the first 30 seconds."

I suddenly felt a little bad. Mercedes was a big fan of Blaine Anderson, and it would be her dream to have him listen to one of her songs. "Thank you so much, M! You literally have NO idea how happy that makes me! You are honestly the worlds best friend. I gotta go, love yah!"

"Love you too, Kurt." I hung up the phone and ran to Finn's room. I had to tell everyone. 

"Finn? I know you're in there! I hear your music!" 

Finn opened the door and crossed his arms. "What do you want?"

I bit my lip and almost started squealing again. "I. GOT. V. I. P. PASSES. TO. SEE. BLAINE. ANDERSON!"

Finn's eyes widened. I don't think he's ever even heard one of Blaine's songs, but he was interested in anything that had "VIP" in it. "That's awesome, little bro!"

I smiled and he gave me a quick hug. Finn was the best brother ever. He was just visiting until he found out if he had gotten a teaching job, and having him here with me made everything that more exciting. 

I ran back to my room and looked at the ticket dates... October 21st was his show here. That meant I had to wait two whole months to be able to see him. Well, let the countdown begin!

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