Chapter 3 ~ October 21st

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I turned off my alarm and glanced at the time. 6:00. Perfect. The concert started at 8:30PM so I had no time to lose. I started through my facial routine, and then did my hair. I tried my best to keep it up and wavy without too much spray. 

I pulled on the perfect outfit that Mercedes helped me pick out: My favorite Blaine Anderson tee tucked into dark grey skinny jeans with matching lace-up ankle boots. I packed my bag and headed upstairs to meet Mercedes to take the bus down to take the 2-hour drive down to Columbus. 

We read some fanfic on the drive there. I also recorded Mercedes singing some of Blaine's songs and posted them against her will on Snapchat. We were having so much fun and it was only 7AM. 

We arrived at Clintonville (where the concert was) at 8AM. We got some breakfast sandwiches and coffee from Starbucks and looked up directions to the stadium on my phone. 

"Oh cool, it's only a mile from here. MAPFRE stadium, a soccer stadium. Fun."

Mercedes took a bite out of her sandwich. "I saw on some chat websites that they set up an awesome stage and a super intricate backstage."

"Which I will get to explore!" I said, trying to contain my excitement. We finished our food and walked around the area where the stadium was for a little while. "Hey M, when are we able to go in?"

Mercedes pulled out our tickets. "Well the doors open at 7:30, but it says on here you can go in anytime after 12:00."

I looked at my phone. "It's only 9:00. what are we going to do these three hours?"

She shrugged and zipped up her coat. "Something indoors. I'm freezing!"

We found an Ohio state merch shop and looked around at all the stuff for a while. We didn't buy anything but it was a good time killer. After that we walked around the stadium for a bit and got lunch at a Subway. I offered to pay. 

"Okay, it's 11:30. Do you think they'll let me in?"

Mercedes laughed. "You are such a little fanboy! I bet if we walk really slowly that by the time we get there it'll be okay for you to go inside."

"But what will you do?" 

"I'm gonna take Uber down to the Columbus Museum of art and get dinner somewhere around there," she said. "I'll be fine! This is supposed to be the best night of your life! enjoy it!"

We walked up to the entrance and I showed my VIP pass to the guard and he let me in. I checked the time, 11:45. I was probably the only one there. 

I walked inside, soaking up every piece of the experience. All the lights were on and dimmed, men and women wearing large headsets hustled around back stage, and right in the center of it all, was Blaine Anderson. I didn't see him at first, but someone told me I shouldn't be back here. "Oh no, I'm a VIP," I said. The woman immediately took me for an insane nervous fangirl (which I was) and asked if I wanted to meet Blaine. 

My heart started pounding. I couldn't breath. The woman placed her hand on my shaking back and led me through a maze of ropes and metal pillars. Then, out of the corner of my eye I saw him. A shiver ran down my body and I felt my palms get sweaty. I was freaking out. 

Blaine Anderson turned around, "Oh hey, Margret! What's up?" Then he saw me. "Who's this?"

Margret chuckled, "VIP. I think he would like to meet you!"

Blaine ended the conversation with whoever he was walking to and walked over to me. I literally think I stopped breathing. 

"Hi! I'm Blaine," he shook my hand and gave me a cue smile. 

"K-k-Kurt," I replied, blushing. 

"I like your shirt!" He said.

I panicked and forgot that I was wearing one of his shirts, but then I looked down and remembered. When I looked up, a confused smile appeared on Blaine's face. 

"Would you like a tour of backstage? We've got instrumental sound checks about to go on right now," Margret said. 

I nodded like I was a little kid who had been offered candy. Blaine and another man wearing a headset started walking towards the stage. 

"Well, this is the stage," Blaine said. "But that's defiantly not the coolest part."

I started staring off into the crowd I didn't even notice Blaine and the man started walking away. 

"Hey, um... Kurt! Come on!" Blaine grabbed my hand and started to pull me backstage. I looked over at him, and he looked back at me. Did we just have a moment? "So, my assistant Bradley is going to show you around backstage and then you'll go with Amy to the hair, make-up, and costume departments. Cool? Cool," Blaine snapped his fingers and pointed at me and Bradley. 

My hand was still shaking as Bradley started talking about the process of setting up the backstage. We traveled through winding paths until we reached hair and make-up. "Kurt, this is Amy. If you wait right here I'm going to grab some other VIP members that just showed up."

Bradley hurried off and Amy and I waited awkwardly for the other people to show. "I can see you're a big fan!" Amy said, breaking the silence.

"Oh, more than a fan. I have all the merch, all his music and..." my voice trailed off as Bradley re-emerged with a mom and an anxious, bubbly teenage girl. They were both wearing Blaine Anderson shirts. 

"I like your shirt!" The girl said. 

"I like yours!" I replied. 

I turned around to see if any other late arrivals had gotten here, but the only person I saw was Blaine staring at me. As soon as he saw that I noticed him he quickly looked away and I turned around and followed the group into the costume room. 

Lining the walls and covering the floors were racks of various outfits, shoes, hair accessories and other random things. The mom and her daughter pointed at some of the dresses and heeled boots, but the flashy outfits were not the top thing on my mind. All I could think about was Blaine staring at me. Was he... gay? I never thought of that before. I just assumed like every performing heartthrob in his 20s he was straight as an arrow. But maybe not...

Amy led us out of the costume room and into the hair and make-up department. It was huge! 10 stations were lined up just waiting for someone to plop down and get glammed up. I brushed my hand along the chairs and let the dim lighting from the tables soak into my skin. I was enjoying every second of it. 

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