Chapter 5 ~ The Closet

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Bradley told us that the doors would be opening soon and we would have to find our seats. I pulled out my phone and just like we planned Mercedes texted me her seat number: Floor, C4. Floor A1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 were reserved for VIP, so I sat down in A4 with Lacey and her mom on one side and the older girl on my other side. 

I waited patiently for Mercedes to come in and for the rest of the seats to be filled so the show could begin. Hundreds of people filed in and took their seats, and were almost as anxious as I was. "Mercedes!" I yelled over the crowd and she shuffled past the people in her row. I leaned over an old man and his granddaughter but was able to do our handshake. The granddaughter shot me a dirty look. 

Suddenly. lights began to flicker on and dance along the crowd. Everyone cheered and screamed and applauded. The show was about to begin. 

A deep voice was heard through the speakers as strobe lights came on. I turned around and smiled at Mercedes. "Laides and Gentlemen, the moment you've all been waiting for, Blaaaaiinnneeee Andersooonn!!"

The top of Blaine's curly head was visible as he rose from below the stage, back turned to the audience. The band started to play up-beat music that changed into the opening music for Human. The guitar chords were being played on Ricky's base and the keyboard to give the song a more rock and roll feel. I really liked it. 

I had to jerk my neck up to be able to see Blaine's face, and I eagerly rocked back and forth in my fold-out. This was the best day ever! Everyone was singing along and doing their best to match the tempo of this new up-beat version. I pulled out my phone and took a couple pictures. 

When the song ended the loudest applause I've ever heard in my life went through my ear drums. "EVERYBODY MAKE SOME NOISE," Blaine yelled into the mic. "FOR JULES ON DRUMS!" Julia played a quick riff on her drums. "RICKY ON BASE!" The crowd yelled louder, for Ricky was certainly not as cute as Blaine but I can say for a fact that someone came to this concert mostly for him and not for Blaine. "LET'S HEAR IT FOR... JOE ON THE KEYBOARD!" Joe played a couple chords. "AND MY MAIN GIRL STEPHANIE. OUR. LEAD. GUITARIST!!!" The crowd cheered and Blaine fixed his hair. "Alright. So, you all know what that song's about?"

The crowd cheered and Blaine nodded. "Well, since I'm just a dumb human like you," he paused and a roar of applause was heard. "I'm not always honest with myself." No one knew how to respond. Everyone was confused. "So, this is my eleventh stop on the tour and-" the audience cut him off with cheering. "And I've had a lot of young ladies come up to me." ALL of the girls in the room screamed. 

I held my breath. Where was he going with this? 

"And I don't wake up like this." cheering was heard and you would make out groups of girls screaming 'you're beautiful' and 'hashtag flawless!' Blaine continued, "let's give a big hand to the costume, hair, and make-up, department for making all of us look #flawless and for taming my hair!" The crowd cheered and the group of girls who yelled '#flawless' I think died in their seats. 

"Now, I have a pretty big closet filled with all kinds of crazy costumes for the tour." The audience screamed. "But, it's so big that sometimes I try to hide behind my wardrobe."

Everyone was confused. The whole stadium whispered and tried to guess what was coming next. 

"So, I figured what not a better place to do this, than my home-state!" Everyone cheered, but all of a sudden I knew exactly what Blaine was about to do. 

"So, I ask you, to still love my music," Blaine started. I nodded my head. I was right. A teenager near the front screamed 'I'll always love you!' Blaine took a big breath and pushed his hair off his face. "I say this to Columbia, I say this to Ohio, to America, to the US..." Blaine let the screams come. He was nervous. Come on, Blaine. You can do this. 

"But, uh. Well, I'm gay."

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