Chapter 8 ~ Pack Your Bags

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"You can't tweet about this. You can't update your Facebook profile becuase of this. For now, this stays on this bus. You have to promise me not to scream like a little girl, okay?"

Mercedes placed her hands in mine and we turned to face each other. 

I took a deep breath and had a squint-inducing smile. "He kissed me. Blaine."

Mercedes' eyes widened and her mouth dropped open like in a cartoon. "On the lips? Now? For real? He did it? Not you?"

"Yes! Yes!"

Mercedes started squealing. "No. He. Did. NOT!"

"Shh!" I said, "I told you not to scream!" I looked around to see if we had drawn attention to ourselves. "He was staring at me or something during the pre-show tour, and he told me that he came out becuase he liked me and realized he was gay!"

She started hopping up and down in her seat, and almost all the way back I told her what I did and didn't do. Instead of writing or reading fanfic, we were living in it. It seemed too good to be true. Get VIP passes, sing in front of thousands of people with Blaine Anderson, get a picture with him, and then have him invite me on the rest of his concert becuase he has feelings for me? I was ecstatic. 

We arrived home pretty late, but mom, dad and Finn were all awake watching Sports Center. 

"You're home late! How as it?" Carole asked, giving us each a hug. 

"It was like a dream," I said, and floated upstairs. I trusted Mercedes not to tell them everything. I was too tired to stay up and debate hundreds of things about the trip. I tried to, but I fell asleep. 

When I woke up I woke up. I popped right out of bed and pulled on a plaid button-down with a matching vest and a new pair of skinny jeans. I found a text on my phone, from none other than Blaine. It read, Make sure to bring enough for two weeks, and there's probably one time you'll get to wash your clothes becuase Joe broke the one in the trailer.

I held the phone to my chest and took a deep breath. This was happening. 

I pulled out my suitcase and placed neatly folded v-necks and skinny jeans. I even packed my Blaine Anderson wristbands to show support. I wasn't going to be all weird wearing shirts with his face on it, I wanted to impress him. Then I got to packing other things like toiletries and all the travel necessities. 

I was so excited I just kept running around my room throwing things in the suitcase I might need for the trip. Then something hit me, what was I going to tell my parents? Would I tell them the truth? Or lie about my little adventure. Actually, I'm an adult. I can take care of myself! They don't run my life. 

I felt a little powerful just then so I decided to get some breakfast. I was starving. 

When I reached the top of the stairs I froze. My parents and Finn were watching the news, and what was on made my face numb. A picture of Blaine Anderson singing one of the songs from last night's concert was filling the screen, with the headline "YOUNG POP-STAR COMES OUT OF THE CLOSET TO FANS DURING CONCERT" blaring above. 

"I-  is that from the concert?" I asked

Dad turned around in his seat, "Morning, kiddo? Can I get you anything to eat?"

I nodded, "Some toast please. The usual way."

Dad walked off into the kitchen leaving me with mom and Finn. "Has Mercedes come up yet?" I asked. 

"Yeah she came and went. Said she was going to have breakfast with an old friend of hers."

"Did she give a name?"

"I think it was Raquel, but I could be wrong," Finn said, shrugged, and turned his attention back to the TV.

"Rachel," I corrected him. "Rachel Berry. Yeah the three of us were in high school together. I think I had her and Mercedes over a couple times, too. You guys have met. Funny... she would've probably told me if she was in town."

I looked back at the TV, and a chill went down my spine as one of the reporters started going into detail about the concert. But luckily there was a robbery or something so Blaine's news was pushed down to the tin scrolling news. 

"Hey, mom?" I asked quietly. "I was wondering if I could go with Mercedes back to LA for like a week or two. She's been telling me all about her new life there, and we still have so much to catch up on."

Carole nodded and tossed the idea in her head. "I don't see why not! This would be good for you! Get out of the house, explore a new city."

I smiled and bounced a little. "Thanks! I'm gonna check with dad as well." I ran into the kitchen and dad handed me my food. I sat down at the table and dug in. "So," I said, and then swallowed my bite. "Mom said I could go back with Mercedes for like two weeks to LA. Is that okay?"

"Of course," dad said. "I would never say no to you going on a little adventure."

That made my stomach turn a little. I felt bad for lying, but if I really told them what I was going to do they'd probably not believe me, and also might think I was on drugs. Blaine even said their last stop was in LA, so I'd be coming back from there anyway. I'd tell them when I returned. 

I finished my toast and got my bag from my room. There was another text from Blaine telling me to meet him at an abandoned park that I found was only 20 miles away from my house. I was going to have Mercedes drop me off, but since she went missing I guess I could just take the bus. 

I hauled my bag to the door and grabbed my phone, headphones, wallet, and another slice of toast. "Thanks, gotta go!"

"Wait, already? Shouldn't you wait for Merce-" I closed the door before dad could stop me. 

I rolled my bag to the bus stop and got on. I pulled out my phone and texted Mercedes. 

K: Where did u go???

M: So srry, my manager called me bck early

K: And u told my family you were with Rach? 

M: IDK...

K: Well i told them i was going home with u so if they call say im there 

M: OMG u lied to them? This is so exciting!!!!

K: Just dont tell them, k?

M: Promise. 

K: Gotta go, luv yah

M: <3 u

I put my headphones on and listened to Blaine Anderson's boy band cover album the rest of the way there. 

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