Chapter 2 ~ The Wait

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The next two months were the slowest of my life. I didn't realize how boring life was without worrying about a paper due or struggling to get out of a hangover. Everyday was pretty much the same. Wake up, eat, read or write some Blaine Anderson fanfic, eat some more, and on and on and on.

I counted down the days until I would get to see Blaine Anderson. I might even get to like, get his autograph, or get a picture with him or something. Every day seemed longer, and as August turned to September, and September turned to October, I'd written 4 more fanfics. 

I mean, it's one thing to like a singer. It's another thing to have every thought that goes through your mind be about one person, and stare at your "exclusive Blaine Anderson calendar" waiting for the date to be October 21st. 

October 21st. 

October 21st. 

As soon as the 13th rolled around, though, things got a bit more exciting. 

I drove to the airport at 1:00AM to pick up Mercedes. She declined her limo service to come because this trip was all about "having a normal life." I think this trip was all about me but, whatever. I had worn my one of my best outfits to meet her. When she came down the escalator she nearly pushed everyone out of her way to hug me. 

She threw herself on top of me and I returned the tight hug. "I can't believe you're here!" I said, taking her carry on to lighten the load. 

"You know what, I am just so tired, so let's get back to your place before I pass out right here, right now."

I laughed and swung my hand around her shoulder. "It's good to have you back." 

As we drove back to my house we talked about her life and all the fun she's having. I was really happy for her. It was always Mercedes' dream to go to LA and get a record deal and record an album. It was coming out in a few weeks! (I already pre-ordered it.)

I parked at my house and helped her get her bags out of the trunk. "So you can sleep in the guest room. We've got it all set up and everything. If you need anything just go downstairs and you'll find me. I don't sleep much. I mostly read fanfic at night."

Mercedes laughed. "This is going to be the best week ever!"

I tried to help her set up without waking up my parents, but we woke Finn in the process. Lucky for us, he is an amazing person, so he helped Mercedes learn how to work the shower and stuff. "Okay! All set!" I whispered. She gave me a kiss on the cheek and Finn turned out the lights as we closed the door. 

Finn went down the hall and I went downstairs and had a full night's sleep for the first time in months. 

I woke up at around 10:30, and Mercedes and Finn were already awake. They were taking with my parents about 'How cool it is that you're a celebrity' and that kind of congratulations crap. I had planned a shopping extravaganza to embark on with Mercedes so I zipped through my morning facial and hopped upstairs. 

"Almost ready?" I asked Mercedes. She finished her drink and nodded. 

"Yup. Let me get my purse."

She walked down the hall to get her things and my parents exchanged a smile. "She's such a sweetheart!" Carole said. 

I awkwardly nodded along to their praise and grabbed Mercedes when she emerged from her room. We decided to take the bus to the Lima mall and had an awesome time trying on clothes and looking at all the dumb things on the kiosks. 

"KURT! LOOK!" Mercedes said, running to a nearby advertisement.

"I don't see anything..." I said.

"Just wait!" She said, grabbing my arm. I watched as the ad turned from a hotel to a toothpaste ad to a sale announcement at Michael Kors. Then, the screen changed one more time, and a poster showing Blaine Anderson on stage in his signature pose, with the headline above it "Anderson is Coming to Town!" I grabbed her hands and we jumped up and down, pointing at the screen and saying things like "we're gonna see him" and stupid stuff like that. 

Then the screen changed back to the hotel ad we continued on our spree. 

The next few days were fairly similar. I took Mercedes to Breadstix and all the places we used to go in High School. In return she helped me pick out the perfect outfit for the concert. We read fanfic together and even did a roleplay on a Blaine Anderson fan-site I was part of. 

Then, finally. The day came. 

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