Hikaru Sulu (Star Trek)

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(Y/n) watched as Jim flirted with yet another girl. She rolled her eyes, and looked at Bones,

"I can't wait for one of them to turn him down"

"I know, maybe it will wound his pride"

"Are you two talking about me?"

"Yea, we were"

'You know (Y/n), Sulu looks pretty lonely over there"

"Jim, don't even start with that"

"Come on, I want to see the two of you get together"

"Jim, you're her brother, shouldn't you be doing the exact opposite? Like trying to keep her away from other guys?"

"If it were anyone else, I would, but Sulu is a good guy"

"What is this about me?"

"N-nothing, and Jim was just going"

"Really? And where may I ask am I going?"

"See that girl over there? Sitting at the bar?"

"Wow, she's hot. I'm gonna go have a talk with her"

"Okay, don't get too upset if she turns you down"

"Like she'll turn me down"

"And there he goes..."

Everyone at the table game (Y/n) a strange look, they shook their heads at her strange way of getting her brother to leave. But they didn't miss the loving look that Sulu had on his face, when he looked at (Y/n). It was obvious that the two were in love, but neither of them knew at the same time. A new song started to play over the speakers. Uhura noticed that it was (Y/n)'s favorite song. She had her chance, and she was going to take it. This was the perfect way to get (Y/n) and Sulu together.

"(Y/n)! Let's go dance!"


Uhura grabbed (Y/n)'s arm and pulled her, she looked at Sulu and grabbed him as well. She turned to Spock, he shook his head, but after a glare from Uhura, he reluctantly stood and followed the three onto the dance floor. (Y/n) and Uhura started dancing to the song, and on instinct, grabbed Sulu to dance with him, while Uhura made Spock dance with her. When the song ended, (Y/n) looked at Sulu, blushed, and all but ran to the bathroom, with Uhura on her tail. Once inside,

"(Y/n) what's wrong?"

"Just leave me alone"


"Just go, I'll join you if I feel up to it"


(Y/n) waited for a few moments, after Uhura left, before leaving the small bathroom as well. She found herself a seat at the bar, and ordered a shot. She drowned one after another. After her 6th shot, a very drunk man shuffled up to her.

"Can I buy you another round sweetheart?"

"You may as well, I'm trying to forget this whole night"

"Rough time?"

"I guess you could say that"

"Can I take you home?"

"No, I'll be alright"

"Come on, I'll make your night great"

"No, I'm not going with you!"

"Come on baby, I'll rock your world"

"I said-"

"I believe that she told you no. So why don't you leave her alone"

"Who are you? Her boyfriend?"

"As a matter of fact, I am"

Sulu gave the man a pointed glare, and the man backed away,

"Sorry, my mistake"

After the man left, (Y/n) engulfed Sulu in a tight hug,

"Thank you so much! You saved me"

"You're welcome, let's get you back home"

"Are you going to 'rock my world'?"

"Not tonight (Y/n), you're drunk"

"No? I'm fine"

"Let's go (Y/n)"

~The next morning~

(Y/n) woke to a pounding headache, and a very shirtless Hikaru Sulu. She let out a short scream, causing Hikaru's eyes shoot open, and scan the room for any possible threats. When he saw none, his eyes settled on (Y/n).

"What's wrong?"

"Why are you in my bed?"

"I brought you home last night since you were drunk, and you asked me to stay with you. I was going to sleep on the floor, but you insisted that I sleep in the bed with you"

"Um... Did we... You know"

"No, I wouldn't take advantage of you like that"

"Then why are you shirtless?"

"It was really hot under your blankets, and I took it off"

"O-oh... Thank you for bringing me home, and staying with me"

"No problem, and (Y/n), you said something last night, and I wanted to know if it is true"


"Do you like me?"


"If you say no, it's okay, I just wanted you to know that I really like you... Maybe even love you, I know that's sudden, but I really do mean it"

(Y/n) just stared at him in surprise, and without realizing what she was doing, she leaned toward Hikaru, connecting their lips.

~Time Skip~

(Y/n) and Hikaru met up with, Jim, Bones, Uhura, Spock, Scotty, and Checkov for lunch. (Y/n) and Hikaru sat next to each other, and held hands under the table. Jim was the first to notice,

"Woah, who gave you permission to date my little sister?"

"Well... Captain, she did"

"Did she now? What if I say no?"

"Well, I believe that it is her decision"

"Jim, last night you also said that it was okay for them to date, you even said that you wanted them to get together"

"I know what I said Bones, I just wanted to hear what he would say. I wanted to know if he was going to be good to my baby sister"

"Jim, I'm not a baby anymore"

"To me you will always be my baby sister, no matter how old you are"

"I love you (Y/n)"

"Love you too Jim. My annoying, huge ego, brother"

"Woah, huge ego?"

"Yeah. It's amazing watching your ego. If it gets any bigger we won't need a car, we'll just hang onto you and float wherever we need to go"

Jim looked at (Y/n) with a surprised look on his face, while the rest of the crew just laughed. Sulu wrapped his arm around (Y/n), and smiled. This was going to be the start to a great relationship.

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