Naughty Stiles part 1

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"I'll be right back, don't watch without me, okay Emily?" Stiles says, giving you a playful smile. You smile back and roll your eyes at the childish teenager. He walks away, probably going to the bathroom, and you sit there on your phone waiting for him. Everything was calm quiet and peaceful until you heard Stiles' phone vibrate. You shrug it off, not wanting to be that obsessed girlfriend, but as it kept going off you had to check it.

Rachel: Are you going to come over tonight ;)

Rachel: Please don't tell me you are with that slut Emily right now

Rachel: Stiles I need you now, please.

"The hell?" You mutter. The messages from Rachel kept coming, one by one, each hurt more than the last.

"Emily, you okay?" You hear Stiles say. Turning around, his phone still in hand, you saw the pale sarcastic boy you love.

"Yeah..." You trailed off. Stiles noticed his phone in your hands and he shifted in his spot. When the phone lit up again he started walking towards you, going to grab his phone. "Babe, can I have my-"

"Stiles who's Rachel?" You say making him stop moving. He paused, shifting in his spot, his weight moving from one leg to the other.

"She's my friend." Stiles said, his voice as steady as he could muster. You nodded your head, and kept your face emotionless.

"If she's just a friend, then you show me your text, right?" You ask. Stiles stiffens up and grabs the phone, only for you to pull it away at the last minute.

"Emily, this is stupid. Don't you trust me?" Stiles asked.

"Stiles, of course I trust you. I just don't know her. Please." You say, almost pleading. He take the phone then unlocks it. You take the phone from his hands and go to his messages, as his head hangs in shame. As you open the messages you dropped your emotionless face, and sadness takes over. Three weeks ago:

Rachel: Stiles, I need you. Now.

Stiles: I can't now, Emily needs me.

Rachel: (naked pic) (no way in hell am I going to describe that)

Stiles: I'll be there in ten, this is for the wait. (another naked pic. Naughty Stiles).

"Emily." Stiles said, stepping closer to you. You back away, tears starting to fall down your face.

"I loved you Stiles. I trusted you. Was I not good enough?" You ask him, starting to get angry.

"No, not at all. You are perfect." Stiles says, not being able to find the right words to justify his actions.

"Then why would you do this?" You said. Stiles didn't say anything, instead he looked down, keeping quiet. "Stiles answer me, please."

"Do you still love me?" He asked. This time, you stayed silent.

"I don't know. I think I should go." You said as Rachel sent another pic of herself. You went to go grab your bag and started to leave.

"Wait, Emily please don't leave me." Stiles said. You ignored him and continued walking out of his house and started walking down the street not paying attention to his words. As heartbreak started to settle in you started to cry. You needed to get home, and it wouldn't be safe to go alone in this state so you called the first person you thought of.

"Hello? Emily?"

"Scott, can you pick me up?" 

So this is my first request for  @emilythegolden14806  I hope you liked it. I'll finish the last part in a part 2 later.  Thanks for requesting so quickly. It made my day. 

                                                                                                   ~ Brooklyn

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