Mother of the Pack

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 Walking through the loft door you lay down on the couch exhausted from a long day working for an ungrateful man who only cares for money. As you close your eyes you hear someone shouting your name.

"(Y/N)! Derek is training us too hard again!" Isaac whines. A small smile forms on your face but make no effort to leave the couch.

"Derek, be nice to them. They are still teenagers." You say knowing he'll hear you anyways. The loft door opens again and Scott, Stiles, Derek, and Isaac walk towards you. Isaac, Scott and Derek are covered in sweat, then there's Stiles who has his bat on his shoulder playing on his phone.

"I'm teaching them how to protect themselves." Derek said bluntly, his response making you roll your eyes. He pushes your feet off the couch so he can sit.

"(Y/N), what's for dinner?" Scott asks. You get up and head towards the kitchen. Opening the fridge you notice the lack of food in there.

"There is legitimately nothing here." You say.

"SHOPPING!" Isaac shouts, leading to the other two teenagers to get railed up.

"CAN WE GET CANDY!" Stiles yells.

"No Stiles, you don't need anymore sugar." Derek says firmly. You look at Stiles nodding your head signaling that he can.

"(Y/N), you know how he gets when you give him sugar." Derek says giving you a stern look.

"He's been sitting still for what, hours?" You ask looking at Stiles. He nods his head eagerly. "See, he deserves a treat."

"What about me?" Scott asks, starting to pout.

"Told you I'm her favorite." Stiles says, making the other boys groan.

"(Y/N) can I be your favorite." Scott asks giving you puppy eyes. Derek scoffed at the teenage werewolves pouting.

"This is stupid. I'm her favorite." Derek's cockiness made you roll your eyes. You raised an eyebrow and gave him a look.

"Who said you are my favorite?" You said, causing him to pout too.

"Who is your favorite then?" Isaac asked, hopeful that it'll be him.



Okay so this might be to make up for the lack of posting on here. This also probably sucks, but I also wanted Allison involved in this so yup. Sorry if she isn't your favorite, I know it's supposed to aim towards the reader, but I cut it off there so you guys could change it to whoever you like. Remember commenting makes me update faster.


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