When they ask you out

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Scott McCall:

You were working on a patient's paperwork at the front desk when you hear the door open. You look up from the work to see the chocolate brown haired boy with an uneven jaw, a smile crept up on your face as you saw Scott. In his hand he carried a plastic bag full of Chinese take out. You watched as he set the food on the desk in front of you.

"Hey Scotty. How are you doing?" You asked him politely, while going back to the dreaded paperwork. He shoves his hands in his pockets as he studies your face.

"I'm alright. How's everything going at work?" Scott says, your face quickly contorted because of a complicated question on the work. A small smile formed on Scott's face when he saw your nose crinkle cutely out of frustration.

"Everything's alright. Let me guess Chinese food for your mom?" You said still focused on the paperwork. He nodded his head and scratched the nape of his neck. You weren't seeing it but you made the True Alpha nervous, which many people couldn't do.

"Actually I got stuff for you today." He said. You looked up from the work surprised and gave Scott a questioning look. A smile crept on your face as you saw how nervous he was acting. How he had a hard time with looking you in your eyes or how he was fidgeting with his hands.

"A present for me? Is it for my unbirthday?" You said all smiley. He looked at you for a second, he was confused, not fully getting the reference. You ruffled his hair and smiled before focusing on the work again.

"It's a Alice in Wonderland reference. Maybe we'll watch it together sometime." You said, slightly setting up a date. You've been waiting for Scott to make a move and Stiles already told you that Scott's trying to plan something. Maybe this will be an extra push for him.

"Actually I was wondering if you would like to go out on a date on Friday." Scott says. You smiled widely and nodded your head at his request. He smiled his 'happy-puppy smile' and started taking off.

"Umm Scott?"


"One, should I give all the food to your mother? Two, my shift ends at six so pick me up at six-thirty at my house." Scott nods his at at your instructions and smiles as he walks away. Not answering your first question, he's too happy about the answer to the second one.

"Screw it, I'm eating the fried rice."

Stiles Stilinski:

You shut your locker after putting away your books from Chemistry. You walked towards the buses when a hand grabbed you and pulled you away. You turned to see your new-found best friend Stiles. You smiled as he pulled you towards his blue Jeep, Rasco.

"Why are you headed towards the buses (Y/N)? I thought you knew I was going to drive you home." Stiles said, he shoved his hands in his jacket pockets.

"I forgot, I guess. Wait, you never told me that you were gonna pick me up." You said sarcastically to him, raising an eyebrow to question him. A small smile crept on his face, just like it always did when you were around him.

"I thought we had this thing were you always know what I'm thinking about." He said, trying to be sly while challenging you. You smirked at him as you went to the passenger side of Rasco, opening the door and sitting on the passenger side. Stiles opened the driver's side and started the engine. He drove out of the school parking lot and down the road towards your house.

"You bet your ass I can read your mind." You said. He smiled and looked at you quickly before focusing on driving again.

"I'm thinking of four things. Guess what I'm thinking."

"Batman, Scott, werewolves, and... Star Wars." You say, hesitating on the fourth one. Stiles paused, thinking through what he's gonna say.

"I should've said five." He said. You look at him and study his face. The way his hair is styled to how his lips are slightly parted.

"What's the fifth thing?" You ask, curiosity getting the best of you. He looks at you for a moment before answering, causing a dramatic pause.

"You." His words made you freeze in your spot. "I was thinking about you, and if you would like... to go on a date... with me." You stare at him for a moment and smile.

"Sure. I would love to go on a date with you." Stiles smiled widely and quickly remembered that he was driving.

"You have to admit (Y/N). That was a smooth way of asking."

Derek Hale:

You groaned as Derek pinned you against the floor again. You guys were training together and you were having a hard time kicking his ass. He was hovering above you, his hands holding down your wrists. He looked down at you, and you saw that he quickly eyed you before criticizing your fighting.

"You should protect your rib cage more." He said, still not getting off of you.

"You should realize that I can see that you're checking me out." You says sassily. He rolls his eyes, as you smirk up at him. He gets off of you, you take a deep breath and prop yourself up on your elbows. You take a deep breath and relax because you know in a few minutes Derek's gonna make you go again.

"Ready?" You asked him. He looked at you and smirked as you stood up, your arms ready to defend yourself.

"So eager to get your ass kicked." His words made your sass level increase. You raised your eyebrows at him and crossed your arms.

"You're so confident that you'll win." You said, confident in your skills.

"Fine, how about a bet?" He said making a small smile creep on your face. "If you win, you can go shopping with my credit card. If I win you have to go on a date with me." His smirk was making you roll your eyes.

"Be ready to go shopping." You said as you got closer. You threw the first punch only to have him catch it and pull you close to him. He kissed you catching you off guard. He then knocked you off balance, making you fall to the floor.

"Bitch." Your voice slightly out of breath. "You cheated." Derek only smirked as he picked you up, his hands resting on your waist as you stood.

"A bet's a bet. I'll pick you up at eight. Okay?" He said, a smile on his face. Your cheeks flushed from his attention, you looked down avoiding his eyes.

"I hate you." You muttered. He lifted your head to see his eyes and shook his head.

"No you don't."

Isaac Lahey:

You laughed at Isaac's lame pick up joke as you were sprawled out on your bed. He snuck in through your window and was now next to you laying down as well.

"Your turn." He said. You laughed as you thought about what you were gonna say.

"I may not go down in History, but I'll go down on you." You said to him and he burst out laughing. Although you did notice the little tinge of red on his cheeks. You smiled as you saw him laugh. You liked that you saw him carefree, unlike when he's with Derek. Isaac's laugh stopped when he checked his phone.

"What's wrong?" You said concerned. He looked at his phone before putting it away.

"Just Derek." He said. He was gonna continue but stopped.

"Who the hell is Derek? I mean he just seems like a scary guy that actually has feelings deep down but is afraid to admit them because he had a bad high school experience." Your small rant made Isaac crack a smile that only got wider.

"(Y/N) will you go on a date with me?" He asked, his smile slightly fading. You smiled as he said those words. You always liked him, but never said anything.

"I would love to Isaac." He smiled and kissed your cheek. You blushed as he walked towards your window. He was about to jump out before you stopped him.

"What time?" You asked.

"Six o'clock, Friday. Okay?" He said, you were about to stop him again until he jumped out the window. You then heard the sound of howling as you watched him run away from your window, your hand touching the cheek he kissed. 

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