Happy Puppy Smile Scotty

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 You couldn't do anything but wait, and waiting was the worst. Scott had to go fight off the latest threat to Beacon Hills, and as always he wouldn't let you come along. You already confronted him about it a few times, causing a fight to break out before he had to save the city. You both had just gotten into another fight before, and now you were laying in your shared bed. You were staring at the ceiling, paranoid that Scott wouldn't come back. Your paranoia was put to rest as you heard the front door open. You turned to face the outside edge of the bed, and closed your eyes and slowing your breathing, pretending you were asleep.

Scott's boots scraped against the hardwood floor, trailing in dirt. He took off his shoes and his jacket, putting his keys in the bowl near the door. He walked up the stairs slowly, holding onto the railing to help him support his weight. Pain shot through his lower abdomen. Scott looked down and saw his wound, claw marks with blood oozing through the fabric of his shirt. Scott took a deep breath before continuing up the steps to his safe haven.

You heard the bedroom door open and close, followed by shuffling. You stayed motionless as you heard the bathroom door open. You opened your eyes to find the light from the bathroom shine down on the room in a single, wide, ray. You hear running water and the ripping of paper before the light shuts off, causing you to shut your eyes again. The bed shifts as Scott climbs in next to you, taking up half of the blanket.

"(Y/N) I know you're awake. I can hear your heartbeat." Scott says breaking the quiet setting. You don't say anything, lying still, trying to ignore his words. Scott sighs and put a hand on your side, your white, oversized T- shirt shifting upwards as he rubs your side. Scott pulls you closer to him tenderly, and you freeze as you feel a square shaped cloth on his torso.

"Scott, are you hurt?" You say sitting in an upright position. He doesn't say anything instead he just closes his eyes. You pull the sheets back, causing goosebumps to form on your bare legs. You inspected his torso, and saw the bandage with blood seeping through.

"Scott, what happened?" You asked jumping into action as a nurse in training. You try to pull him up so he can lean against the bed frame for support.

"Scott, please. I can help you just get to the bathroom." You plead, the fight put aside in your mind. Scott just looks at you, his actions were slowly, but soon enough he starts to turn and lean off the bed. You quickly hop out of bed and run, getting everything ready in the bathroom in a flash before going to help your boyfriend get to the bathroom.

"This is why I don't want you to come along." Scott's weary voice says making you glare at his attempt to win the fight, but your glare softens as you see his face contort in pain. You lower him down to sit him on the toilet before going to peel off the taped, bleeding bandage.

"I can handle myself." You mutter, know that Scott could hear. You grab the disinfectant and pour some on a clean rag, before putting it on his wound and clean it from any dirt or sweat. Scott winces in pain, and you grab his hand with your right one, putting pressure on the wound in your left. You rub circles on his hand with your thumb, calming his senses.

"(Y/N). I need you to stay here." Scott says his voice steadier than the last time he spoke.

"Why aren't you healing?" You say avoiding the subject. Scott stares at you as you work, his gaze is a calm one, but you feel as if you are put under a spotlight for an unprepared dance.

"I need you here so I have a reason to come back. I need you here, because if you get hurt there, and you don't come back, I won't have a reason to stay." His words, that were cheesy yet beautiful, made you give in. You nod your head, and remove your hand from his to get rid of the now bloody rag. His cuts have now stopped bleeding, but are still open, not fully healed.

"I know, you want to protect me Scott, but I want to be there for you. I'm not Allison. I can't show up with a bow to save your life. I just don't want you to get hurt, cause if you're there, I can't help you." You say looking up at him. Scott cups your cheek and pulls you up into a sweet kiss. You melt into it, enjoying as much as you can.

"I don't want you to be Allison. Besides, if it weren't for you, I would've died. You already saved my life." Scott said, looking into your eyes. You nod your head then go back to his cut, only to find it gone.

"See, only you heal me." He said, his happy puppy smile back on.

"You are so cheesy." You say smiling, before you yawn. He chuckles at you and picks you up, leaving the mess in the bathroom. He carries you bridal style, and he sets you down on the bed. He pulls you close, pulling you to his chest as you nuzzle your head.

"I love you Scott." You say. He smiles and kisses the crown of your head.

"I love you more, (Y/N)."  


Okay so I am sorry to Emily, I have a bit of writers block at one part and I haven't finished it yet. I hope you guys liked the Scott Imagine thou! Finals are next week so I might update even slower, but after next week is summer and I have no life and a shit ton of free time. So yay no life comes in handy! 

 ~ Brooklyn

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